New here

Although I have has MFP on my iPad or iPhone for years I have never actually used it, until now.
My hubby retired fall 2015 from the US Navy after 26 years, this was a change for us all. He retired from Bahrain where he was vegan and very active (has been a marathoner and triathlete for the last 10 years). I ran but my race was the 13.1, which I would race on average of 12 times a year (I ran on an average of 2-3 miles every other day when not at a race).
The 2013-14 race season I was told to NEVER race or even run again by 3 different Military Dr. But was never given a reason why, just handed medications, sent to the chiropractor, and sent to 2x week PT visits or 16 weeks 2-3 times a year.
My health got really bad, my weight went up (keep in mind I was heavy as a runner as well, but I felt good and weight creeped off). And I was taking 10 pills a day for pre-diabetes, cholesterol, etc.
Late last year I ended up finding out why I was told not to run, other than the chronic damage to two of my c vertebrate (which I knew about, farm life as a kid!) my last L vertebrae has almost disintegrated and is very painful. Luckily it is not painful all the time.
So long story short (too late for that) I discontinued all dairy products in Jan (finding a comparable replacement for 1/2&1/2 was my hold out) and have been 100% vegan for about 1 1/2-2 months (FOK and E2). I have stopped all my meds, started walking 30 minutes every morning, cycling 6-10 miles at least 4-5 times a week, and have even started to toss in a mile run about 2-3 times a week.
I did not stop my meds under advisement or the watchful eye of my Dr so I do track my BP, weight, and how I feel VERY carefully.
I use MFP in connection with my Garmins to help better see where I am. Because I am heavy right now my calorie burn is GLORIOUS. Between that, my BMR, and tracking my food I am loosing on average of 0.7-1 lb a day, which will definitely slow to a crawl very soon. I am never hungry (was a stress eater anyway) and closely monitor our food and nutrient intake as to not miss anything (like B12).
I will be going into the Dr soon, I would like to get a full CDC panel done to see how I am doing, with any luck my Dr will be supportive and my numbers will keep me off meds!!!!