I NEED Support! HELP!!

I just joined yesterday and I am trying to lose 45 pounds of stubborn baby weight from my two kids. I have no support from friends or family so I could really use some on here. My family does not eat right so there are a lot of temptation around the house. It makes this process a lot more difficult!

Any tips or advise!!!???


  • RASmith0185
    RASmith0185 Posts: 7 Member
    Having no home support is really, really tough, but keep in mind that you are doing this for yourself - and for those wonderful kids! You want them to have a healthy and fit mama who can chase them around the park and join in all their activities as they grow older. Keep a picture of the kids on the fridge to remind you of your goals every time you get near it.

    You can do this!!
  • natsgirl60
    natsgirl60 Posts: 11 Member
    I have a similar situation. My husband (or kids) are thin and healthy and active and awesome all the way around. However, they don't have to think about how many calories they consume but I do. I have found that my girls 4 and 5 actually will eat the healthy stuff given the choice. So when I buy groceries I make sure they know that we have "yogurt" "FRUIT" and other healthy choices. They love to help mommy eat her "diet food"!!
  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    I read something recently about that feeling of "deprivation" that comes with dieting and it really helps me.

    If you feel like you're being deprived of eating a doughnut, for example, think of it this way. Your goal is to lose that baby fat and eating that doughnut deprives you of that! Keep your focus on your goal. Don't let the tempting foods deprive you of what you want.
  • Determined82
    Determined82 Posts: 455 Member
    I sent you an invite for the 50lb challenge if you're interested. It just started last week. :smile:
  • InvisoningMe
    InvisoningMe Posts: 26 Member
    I can relate in away.. You can do this .. your leading by example ! In your family your the Christopher columbus of health :) Go find that new World Girl !
  • fitmama95
    fitmama95 Posts: 7
    Thanks everybody! This just gave me a great boost of confidence!
  • JayMri
    JayMri Posts: 241 Member
    My husband supports me but in a mostly passive way, and he's a junk food addict. My parents and sister are no support. My mom is overweight but doesn't take care of herself and my sister is stick thin. I've sought out people who will support me at my church. And have just recently started adding friends here (feel free to add me). I have found the more I've stuck with it the more support I've been receiving!

    I'm currently in two challenges here - a 30lbs by November and a 10 week challenge. Those are great motivators and support!
  • tecobb1
    tecobb1 Posts: 9 Member
    If you can't change the kinds of foods you are eating then just eat less of the same foods. Same in my house no heathly food but I started walking alot more and I still eat bad but I cut back alot junk food.
  • nikkimurran2510
    nikkimurran2510 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey best of luck wih it!
    ive added you as friend so we can spur each other on :)
  • MistyEE
    MistyEE Posts: 67
    Hang in there, I have found that support on here can be awesome! I sent a FR, and hope to see you around. :)
  • msfran1387
    msfran1387 Posts: 13
    Hi, i joined as of today. Im looking to lose atleast 1 stone of my pregnancy weight which is still lingering after 2 years :( My partner works away Monday to friday and i work 3 days a week, so going to the gym is not an option for me as when im not working im looking after my little girl. Im more determined then ever to shift this weight, i find exercise boring so after discovering Michael Jackson dance experiance im learning to enjoy exercise! It really can be fun! As soon as my little girl has a nap im straight on dancing away! If anyone has aany tips or fab recipes (for veggies) i dont eat meat :/ then please do share, id be most grateful x
  • kerrylcox161
    kerrylcox161 Posts: 4 Member
    Would you send me an invite for the 50 lb challenge? I started MFP yesterday, and need some motivation!
  • KelleyGirl74
    KelleyGirl74 Posts: 182 Member
    I recently found out that I'm borderline diabetic. My mother is diabetic as was my grandmother and her mother and so on. My baby sister has weight issues as well. My daughter has her father's metabolism and the body to go with it. I hate her.. no no no, I really don't :flowerforyou: I love my baby girl. She is 18 but still my baby girl. I have some support. When I told her about my impeding medical condition she looked at me and said "Mom, you can do this. I might have kids one day and I'm sure you're going to want to be around for them...him...her...it..whatever. You know what I mean." I laughed even though I was really down. My roommate is like, "What's yours in the frige, so I don't eat it?" I say, "it's all ours we all eat healthy or you can all buy your own food." My daughter will walk with me or yell at me for not walking. My roommate walks my dog and we have been in talks about taking the grocery list vegetarian (mostly). I only eat meat with one meal usually sometimes 2. But it's not a main dish anymore it's been downsized to a side (less than 4 oz). I get my protein in my morning smoothie that I home make.

    Just making small adjustments to your diet will get you were you need...want to be. I'm down 5 lbs now. I only weigh myself once a week and forget about the scale. I walk and walk and walk. I get up from my seat at work and walk around the building (inside cause it's over 100 degrees where I live).

    Add me as a friend and we can chat and encourage all day. This is all I do for the most part when I'm not doing homework (as I should be now).

  • tawanda6329
    tawanda6329 Posts: 139 Member
    When I grocery shop, I only purchase a few junk food items. For snacks, I buy lots of fruits (red grapes, strawberries, watermelon, bananas). You can't eat what you don't have in the house. Since the kids don't have money to buy groceries, they eat what we have or they don't eat. I don't limit myself to certain kinds of food. As long as it falls in my daily calories, I eat it.
  • I just joined yesterday and I am trying to lose 45 pounds of stubborn baby weight from my two kids. I have no support from friends or family so I could really use some on here. My family does not eat right so there are a lot of temptation around the house. It makes this process a lot more difficult!

    Any tips or advise!!!???

    having little to no support at home is TOUGH! people will say that they support but then want to ask you to join them for junk :( I know the feeling!! one thing that I do (as the primary shopper) is I don't buy junk. It is not allowed in my home! you can't eat what isn't there :)
    also, I make lots of comfort food! but skinnified :) you can make just about anything that is fat and calorie laden healthier :) it keeps my fiancé happy but makes me happy knowing that its actually quite good for me :)

    add me if you would like, I offer lots of support to all my friends :)
  • toddmoore83
    toddmoore83 Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome aboard...
    If you do the cooking in the house you can spearhead healthy eating. There are several great recipes on here.
    The 1st and sometimes hardest step is to cut out all soda and sweet tea. You would be amazed at what just that does for you..
    And after say "a week" you try soda and see how it taste like SYRUP..
    So lets get it on and shred the weight...
  • amayaasn
    amayaasn Posts: 28 Member
    I've lost almost 50 pounds since delivery day, and 35 pounds since really starting this journey back in December. I have a 2 1/2 yr old and an 11 month old. I am now 8 pounds below prepregnancy weight with my first but it has taken hard work!! Logging my food, watching my calories, but also watching my macros fat, carb, protein percentages. I really believe that exercise has been the key for me this time. You have to find something that you WILL do and that you ENJOY. With two kids it was hard to get to the gym, so I started following a weight loss center diet plan, but when logged was only eating around 900 calories a day. It wasnt working, obviously bc I was almost starving myself. I was brought into a support group by my friend and decided I needed to find an at home exercise program to do. I got one, and it really worked for me! I did the schedule twice and now Ive moved onto something else. At home, was the only way I was going to workout. I could walk, but when the weather doesnt cooperate you cant do that either. I sent you a request. Hopefully to keep you motivated. Our journeys seem to have started out the same way, 2 kids, same amount of weight to lose etc. I hope I can help in anyway to keep you on track!! Just go day by day and you will reach your goals if you keep at it.
  • Determined82
    Determined82 Posts: 455 Member
    Would you send me an invite for the 50 lb challenge? I started MFP yesterday, and need some motivation!

    I'll send you an invitation. If anyone else is interested in the 50lb challenge, just send me a message and I'll send you an invite too! =)
  • fitmama95
    fitmama95 Posts: 7
    My husband supports me but in a mostly passive way, and he's a junk food addict. My parents and sister are no support. My mom is overweight but doesn't take care of herself and my sister is stick thin. I've sought out people who will support me at my church. And have just recently started adding friends here (feel free to add me). I have found the more I've stuck with it the more support I've been receiving!

    I'm currently in two challenges here - a 30lbs by November and a 10 week challenge. Those are great motivators and support!

    This is just like my situation. My fiancé refuses to eat healthy. No matter what I buy he goes and fills the house with junk food and soda. An my mom is skinny no matter what she does. So, like you said, it is all passive support. I'm so glad I found this site so I can have some positive motivation!!
  • fitmama95
    fitmama95 Posts: 7
    Welcome aboard...
    If you do the cooking in the house you can spearhead healthy eating. There are several great recipes on here.
    The 1st and sometimes hardest step is to cut out all soda and sweet tea. You would be amazed at what just that does for you..
    And after say "a week" you try soda and see how it taste like SYRUP..
    So lets get it on and shred the weight...

    Thanks for the support! I have cut out the soda (which I wasn't big on in the first place) and I can't stand the stuff now! The sweet tea is my weakness, though I only use about a cup of sugar to the whole pitcher, I still trying to work my way to un-sweet tea