Will being healthy always be just a dream for me?

Hello All

My name is Monica, middle name Lupita hence the username :p I have 3 kids and this is probably my 1,0000,0000,0000,000 time trying to lose weight. :(

Little background info:
I was involved in a domestic violence relationship for 11 years. During my time in that relationship food was my go to. Food made me feel happy, safe, valued and so many other things I was not getting in that relationship. I quickly went from 150 pounds to 284!

Up to this moment:
I have tried so many diet pills, workout trends, food diets and nothing has worked for me. I will lose about 10 pounds and then gain it all back. At the moment I have decided to try the Keto Diet (for the health benefits it offers) but am slowly getting use to counting macros and understanding all that lingo. Sometimes just trying to understand that lingo gives me a headache.

I would like to get to 150 pounds again. My goal for the end of the year is to be at 200 pounds.

I would really like friends that are not judgement, but can motivate and help with some of the health lingo I will try to comprehend at times. I love to motivate people and follow up with others on their goals. If that sounds like something you would like please add me. :)


  • 100DaySprint
    100DaySprint Posts: 5 Member
    It's cool you felt comfortable to share so much information :). I hope you're now fully free from the relationship and happy otherwise!

    I'm 23 and haven't had to deal with anything like that, so can only sympathise. I am however 8 days into my millionth diet, first time myfitnesspal way however. I definitely know how it is to be stuck over weight with food being my biggest comfort and go-to activity.

    My goal at the end of this year is to be 140 to 150lbs...aiming to lose 60lbs. But more than that, just become healthy and happy. I'm now having a lot of health problems which I think draws back to my unhealthy lifestyle, also leaving me very miserable a lot of the time.

    I'm not looking to just lose the weight and ditch the diet. I'm wanting this to be a long term lifestyle change.

    I'd love some support and am very happy to offer in return.

    You're most welcome to add me if I sound someone who could offer you a push when you need it.

    Good luck with your weight loss. You sound like a tough person, so I'm sure you'll smash it!
  • tinamarie6624
    tinamarie6624 Posts: 182 Member
    I too have had my issues with dieting a million times. I started working in January 2016 at 378 Lbs - now I'm 188 Lbs and 190 Lbs down. I still have about 72 left to lose. You are welcome to add me and I will always be there for support.

    The first photo is me in December 2015 and the 2nd is me last weekend down 189 Lbs. I was in a 5x - 6x and now I am in 14 jeans and Large shirts.

    I wish you the best on all of your endeavors.

    Tina Marie
  • crowed1993
    crowed1993 Posts: 61 Member
    Add me
  • AlanahCFit
    AlanahCFit Posts: 53 Member
    We are in similar boats I just added you :)
  • RaphaBianchi
    RaphaBianchi Posts: 51 Member
    It doesn't have to be just a dream. Forget the pills and fad diets. Concentrate on hitting your daily calorie goal and the weight will come off. It will take some time but it will come off.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    There's no reason you can't be healthy, and try to remember that you get to decide what "healthy" means to you. You don't have to pose for magazine covers.

    Also, losing weight isn't a race. Taking it slowly has some benefits like it's easier, and easier to stick to.

    You should do some kind of strength training while you lose weight. You don't have to go to a gym. You don't have to use weights. "Resistance bands" and body weight are great options and you can do them at home. This is a great option for everybody who's losing weight for lots of reasons (like you'll look better when it's all said and done) but in your case, I bet it will help a lot with body image and feelings of security.

    You can add me as a friend if you like. I don't always use the "wall" side of the site though so I might make a disappointing friend. And in any case, if you stick around, you'll find lots of encouragement here and some good advice and info. Unfortunately you'll find a lot of woo (bad info) too so take everything you read with a grain of salt.
  • jenturner06
    jenturner06 Posts: 10 Member
    Similar weight loss attempts and weight/goal for me. I added you! Very inspiring story.