Need advice for an upcoming 5k!

My 5 year old daughter has been begging me to do this 5k race with her at her elementary school, and I thought; I'm down over 80 pounds now, yea lets do it!
Now that I registered, I'm thinking; what did I get myself into?! I normally exercise anywhere between 2-4 times a week, either jogging in place with Xbox fitness evolved game, or Jillian Michaels 30 day shred... I can't tell you the last time I went out and ran!

I know a lot of kids from her class are going to be doing it too, so that makes me feel more relaxed, but I haven't ran more than a mile back when I was in high school! I'm also still technically obese and trying not to think about being the only one weighing 190 something

Anyone have any good advice or things to keep in mind? I would love to hear them, thanks!


  • SierraFatToSkinny
    SierraFatToSkinny Posts: 463 Member
    Couch to 5k.

    When is it?
  • Lizzypb88
    Lizzypb88 Posts: 367 Member
    Couch to 5k.

    When is it?

    3 days
  • Lizzypb88
    Lizzypb88 Posts: 367 Member
    I am thinking of sending my hubby in my place
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I went from totally out of breath walking 15 min to a 5k in about 4 weeks.

    Its totally doable walking. You don't need to race, just walk a normal pace. You will be surprised how many people walk and how confidence boosting it will be when you cross that line.

  • heiliskrimsli
    heiliskrimsli Posts: 735 Member
    You can walk it. Lots of people do.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    You can walk it. Lots of people do.

    Hey we agree:)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited April 2017
    Most 5Ks around here have a HUGE range of people doing them. I'm doing my neighborhood one on Sunday and talked a friend into doing it with me and he was supposed to do C25K but did not, so he is going to run/walk as best he can. I told him there are always walkers, which there are, and there are lots of people who decide to run it but run super slow.

    So that's the don't worry about it, walk it, speed walk it, walk/run it, jog it super slow (if that term doesn't bother you, I still use it sometimes), whatever you feel up to, and it will be cool, and you almost certainly won't be the heaviest.

    DON'T try to just run it, though, since if you haven't been training at all and are not used to running you will likely run too fast, especially in a race situation, and then run out of steam and feel discouraged. Have a plan, like jog for a minute walk for 2 or something like that.

    If you are going with your 5-year-old, that seems like a way to keep it reasonable, especially if there's a range of other kids and moms there. Probably will be some others walking and it could be a fun social thing.

    There's a huge race here that a lot of people do who don't run (Corporate Challenge) and lots who do run, and the people who get dragged into it tend to keep each other company and have fun.
  • Lizzypb88
    Lizzypb88 Posts: 367 Member
    I went from totally out of breath walking 15 min to a 5k in about 4 weeks.

    Its totally doable walking. You don't need to race, just walk a normal pace. You will be surprised how many people walk and how confidence boosting it will be when you cross that line.

    Thank you that helps! Although I do have to keep up with my 5 year old, she does try Jillian michels with me sometimes lol!

  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    My advice is get a training plan and stick to it. Just about any plan (most based on Hal Higdon or Jeff Galloway) as seen here.
  • heiliskrimsli
    heiliskrimsli Posts: 735 Member
    ebaroldy wrote: »
    I went from totally out of breath walking 15 min to a 5k in about 4 weeks.

    Its totally doable walking. You don't need to race, just walk a normal pace. You will be surprised how many people walk and how confidence boosting it will be when you cross that line.

    Thank you that helps! Although I do have to keep up with my 5 year old, she does try Jillian michels with me sometimes lol!

    This is a good lesson in pace for the kid too. As in why a distance runner doesn't just go at maximum from the starting line. Push too hard up front because you're so jazzed and amped up, and run out of energy before the finish.

    The tortoise and the hare are a bit exaggerated, but there's a point to that story.
  • Daddy78230
    Daddy78230 Posts: 125 Member
    If your 5 year old is running then I would walk at her pace or pace her so she doesn't bonk out too early.

    I regularly walk, at a medium pace, a couple of miles every other day with my kids. They would have to jog to keep up with me. Actually they usually run ahead of me and walked until I caught up. They're 13 and 9.
  • Blitzia
    Blitzia Posts: 205 Member
    If it's at an elementary school, there should be plenty of people walking it. Start at the back of the group and go at a pace where you're comfortable. It should be a lot of fun and maybe you'll stick with it! I did my first 5k in November. Before I started I couldn't run for any period of time whatsoever. Now I'm still not much of a runner, but I'll be doing my 5th (?) 5k this Saturday. Good luck and have fun!
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    If it's in 3 days definitely walk don't run! Do you know how many steps you are doing when you walk in place at home? Or how long you can walk nonstop for? These can give you a general idea of how long the 5k will take you or whether you can actually do the whole thing.

    Three miles is pretty long if you haven't been training at all for it, so maybe just have hubbs on call in case you need an early pick up.

    I agree wth everyone else, tons of people walk them, so you definitely wouldn't be an oddball at all!
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I do the Vancouver Sun Run on Sunday. SO signed me up for his corporate team- he likes surprising me.
    It is the largest 10km run in Canada with over 50,000 participants.

    I will be walking it.

    Walk your race. It is supporting your daughter that is important.

    Cheers, h.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Nothing you do will make a difference now if it's in 3 days.
  • reginakarl
    reginakarl Posts: 68 Member
    You may want to stretch before the race, even if you only walk. YouTube has some nice yoga videos. After the race, you'll want to stretch again. The next day, keep moving.
  • dotwilldoit
    dotwilldoit Posts: 53 Member
    I agree with lemurcat. Most races have huge range of people. The 5k I did last Saturday had all types from little kids to grandparents, some runners some walkers. If this race is for a school, there will be plenty of people like you wondering what they got themselves into!

    I suggest starting in the final group and just walk it. There is no pressure!!!! Maybe walk it with another parent?

    The best part of a race is the non judgement atmosphere. Enjoy yourself. You got this and congrats to you on your progress
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Have fun. Don't stress. Enjoy the time with your kid! I am sure there will be lots of people walking - and probably lots of people just like you whose kids talked them into signing up. It will be a great time with the kiddo! Really - I went to an Easter one the other day so there were more kids than normal. Lots of walking and lots of fun to see the kids and patents having a good time together. She is just going to be so happy to have you there.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    If you've not been running regularly then don't expect to run the 5k. You won't be the only walker. Start the Couch to 5k program, walk 3-4 times a week for 30-45 minutes and you should be just fine when the 5k comes!
    ebaroldy wrote: »
    My 5 year old daughter has been begging me to do this 5k race with her at her elementary school, and I thought; I'm down over 80 pounds now, yea lets do it!
    Now that I registered, I'm thinking; what did I get myself into?! I normally exercise anywhere between 2-4 times a week, either jogging in place with Xbox fitness evolved game, or Jillian Michaels 30 day shred... I can't tell you the last time I went out and ran!

    I know a lot of kids from her class are going to be doing it too, so that makes me feel more relaxed, but I haven't ran more than a mile back when I was in high school! I'm also still technically obese and trying not to think about being the only one weighing 190 something

    Anyone have any good advice or things to keep in mind? I would love to hear them, thanks!

  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    You can walk it. I'm no runner and did a charity 5k in February. Fast runners start first and slower runners/walkers start a few minutes later. I started later because I'm slow & I figured I'd end up walking. I did manage to run the whole thing but lots of people walk. Unless your 5 yr old can run the whole thing you will probably have to walk with her, anyway.