680 calories left



  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    At least get to 1200. Treat yourself to dessert tonight if you have to.


    If your not hungry don't eat and definitely don't have an empty calorie dessert just to have calories.

    I eat to keep my metabolism going. Food is fuel. Even if the gas tank in your car isn't completely empty, it's better for its general performance to keep it full. KWIM?

    And dessert doesn't have to be empty calories. Lots of fresh fruit, drizzled with sweetened condensed milk is very good. So is 1 ingredient ice cream, and peanut butter on graham crackers. Even a larabar is good!

    Sweetened condensed milk is processed full of chemicals to sit on a shelf, not something I am going to put in my body. I do eat fresh berries with heavy cream and vanilla swirled together, but only if I am still hungry after eating. That is the only reason I would eat dessert, or eat period.

    Eating when not hungry is what got most of us in this boat in the first place.

    Graham crackers are also processed, non-nutritious crap.

    Just like the hand going to the E on a gas tank, you don't need fuel when you feel full, that doesn't make sense.

    And if you are overweight, you have plenty of fuel to burn so that is one of the main reasons I don't subscribe to the whole "eat frequently" and eat even if your not hungry. That makes no sense to me.