63 and still trying to lose

Well,here I go again age 63 almost 64 and still trying to get rid of this extra weight. I have two grandbabys due in May 2017 and want o see these two beautiful kids grow I want be the Grandma that every child needs in their life, supportive, active and loving in all ways. I've been on Weight watcher but lost interest so I restarted MFP and hope that I don't lose interest. I will be reading everyone's post as this does keep me motivated.


  • dmkoenig
    dmkoenig Posts: 299 Member
    Peggy - There is a quote from Joe Friel, the 70-something year old father of endurance sports who recently wrote a book called Fast After 50, a book for older athletes interested in the science of aging and how to train better. Anyway his quote is "You are as old as you think you are". My takeaway is not to get caught up in a number; you are able to make changes and reverse the clock so to speak if that is what you want to do. Clearly your soon to be grand kids are a great source of motivation for you. Channel that focus into making the changes to keep you healthy and vibrant. I just turned 60 and lost nearly 30 pounds and trained for the hardest race I ever took on. Set yourself a stretch goal or two - maybe a 5K event to give you something to challenge yourself with. You can walk it, whatever but something to celebrate when you've accomplished it. And take a serious look at your diet; that is probably the most important part of keeping healthy. Check out Nutritionfacts.org, literally hundreds of 3-5 minute videos about all kinds of questions people have on food and nutrition and what the latest science is on each subject. Highly informative and easy to consume and understand. Good luck on your journey!
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    I'm in my sixty's too. Although not a grandma, I think I get what you're saying.

    When you start on the weight loss process, it's all new and the future looks bright and you feel overloaded with enthusiasm. But motivation is what gets you started. Determination is what keeps you going. Consistency is what gets you to your goal. You simply refuse to quit. How badly do you want this?

    Focus, determination, discipline, consistency are characteristics that require development and strengthening like muscles. Each time you make the decision to stay with your plan and not give up, it builds up those muscles.

    All that said, if you are miserable with the way you eat and have to white-knuckle it to stay on plan every day, then maybe you need to rethink your method.

    For example, after many failed attempts, I set out this time to do this in the easiest way possible. I eat exactly the same way I always have, except that I just eat less. I don't really pay attention to anything else but calories. I eat a little more if I exercise.