Starting my journey with intermittent fasting

Hello. Just started intermitten fasting a couple of days ago. Any suggestions or tips?


  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    I'm on week 4 of 5:2. First day was hard then got much easier. Some days I actually look forward to it. For me it's doable and is not a diet. My skin is so much clearer, I have more energy, less mental fog, plus clothes are fitting better.
    For fasting days I make sure I have foods with good fats (avocado, olive oil), high protein (eggs, salmon), some vege & minimal fruit. I have noticed that on some days after fasting, if I train early morning and I'm hungry it can really affect my workout. So I'm going to try a protein bar before my workout to break the fast on those days.
    Best of luck, you won't regret it.