What did you dream about last night?



  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    Where is OP lately? She used to do commentary and analysis of the dreams posted here...
  • iMago
    iMago Posts: 8,714 Member
    i dreamed i was at some event where this guy was giving a free speech to the public.

    he invited everybody in and started talking about privacy and government intrusiveness. i think the dream was somewhat in the future, because he wasn't entirely wrong. like i remember that there were these small government drones everywhere that acted as spy cameras.

    but the guy giving the speech kept on about how they could track us everywhere we went with facial recognition software and such, but that he had the solution to our problems.

    then the dream turned dark, like the guy had all these employees working at the event for him that turned out to be hired mercenaries with guns. they lined everyone up against the wall and started mutilating everybody's faces against their will. like basically skinning people's faces off. and the whole time, this creepy guy giving the speech is still going on, talking about how we will thank him later because now the government wouldn't know who we were, etc.

    anyhow it was awful and some of us tried to escape, me included. i got out with this family, like this old guy with his son and daughter. we were trying to leave the event when the speaker had his men shoot at us. it blew the rear tires out of the car we were in. then we ended up on the side of the road near this wooded forest. we bailed out of the car and ran to hide in the forest. the speaker's men were approaching and shouting how we had to come back inside for "processing".

    then i woke up
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I'm too tired to remember most of my dreams anymore I think ...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Can't comment...would get a warning...it was fun though.
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    Where is OP lately? She used to do commentary and analysis of the dreams posted here...

    You called?
  • RastaLousGirl
    RastaLousGirl Posts: 2,119 Member
    Dreamed that I lost money out of my pocket.
  • hast6837
    hast6837 Posts: 25 Member
    Well I guess I'm the only guy here who dreamed of sex last night. Lol. Dry spell here so I guess it's on my mind. Lol.
  • DadBodClub
    DadBodClub Posts: 199 Member
    I dreamed that my body ached head to toe but I had to get up at 5:30 anyway to workout..... oh no ...nvm.....that was real
  • fFinfan66
    fFinfan66 Posts: 50 Member
    I have a recurring dream of flying,like flapping my arms and flying.Over open fields with not a soul around.Beautiful blue skies with few clouds.I never tire or land,flying high and low.In and out of clouds.I wake up energized and happy.Love this dream!
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,890 Member
    I had a dream that my shoe fell apart when I was running. Then today I checked the sole and the right shoe is indeed close to death. That’s when I remembered my dream.