Weight Watchers?



  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I did WW online and then after I lost most of my weight I started to track here as well as on WW tracker to see where I was with my calories. Now I do only MFP but continue with what I was doing with WW. Eating at least 5 servings of fresh fruits and veggies per day, 3 servings of dairy, the protein, water, vitamins and exercise. I've maintained my weight loss this way and without having to continue to pay the $19 something per month for the WW online. I had originally started out with MFP only but didn't lose any weight. I stuck it out for 3 months but was up and down the same 3 pounds but still nothing significant.

    When I started WW I lost 3 pounds the first week, 3 or 4 the second, then 2 pounds every week after that consistently.

    No matter what plan you use you need to weigh and measure everything and track everything as well.

    BTW my exercise only consisted of walking, riding my bike a couple times a week and doing light weight lifting. I never eat back my calories burned because I really don't burn all that much. I was never hungry on WW
  • zapballs
    zapballs Posts: 16 Member
    I joined WW 2 years ago and lost weight pretty easily using their online tools and the occassional meetings. Due to my financial circumstance I was forced to quit. For me their program is far too expensive!

    With that being said, the a lot of the WW principals have transcended into my current weight loss journey. WW really helped educate me on portion control and taking accountability of what I was consuming. Also, it taught me how to balance my diet so that I could occasionally splurge on something yummy. All in all the education and tools are worthwhile but you can definately lose weight without a WW membership.