Newbie here, tips??

Currently doing WW app. I hate paying $20 month for it but I've lost 25lbs. 20-30 to go. Thoughts on this versus that? Ideas? Tips? Thanks :)


  • newstar44
    newstar44 Posts: 87 Member
    WW works and it's worth it. Get to lifetime and WW is free provided you maintain. There may be meetings involved though as you get closer to goal.
  • Saeraphine
    Saeraphine Posts: 2,793 Member
    If you're looking for free motivation, I recommend checking out the challenges section. Getting involved in a group competition kept me on track for 35 lbs.
  • MonaLisaLianne
    MonaLisaLianne Posts: 398 Member
    Keep active, build muscle and be mindful of everything you eat. As you get closer to goal, it gets harder to lose. You can't consume as many calories without gaining weight when your body is smaller. I know - seems totally unfair, but it's true. That's why building muscle mass is important - muscle burns calories even at rest, allowing you a few more calories without gaining. Those are my best tips :)
  • Beachphotos
    Beachphotos Posts: 2 Member
    How do you like the WW program? Is it easy to follow? I have done it in the past but not the new program.
  • Beachphotos
    Beachphotos Posts: 2 Member
    I am in need of something to keep me on track. I did this 5 years ago and had success it was easier for me then doing points but I might need the extra structure this time.
  • Lasmii25
    Lasmii25 Posts: 2 Member
    Ask yourself..why do you want lose weight? How do you want to feel and look? I would recommend works..see yourself in the shape and size you want to have and dress you want to wear..
    I do my workouts at home and outside..and with Fitness Pal app it's easy to count calories!!