42 yr old mom of 4...who's really gonna do it this time!!

Hi All,

This is my second go round on MFP...but I've spent numerous years on fads, diets, and etc...This time I'm focused on small changes that lead to BIG differences...looking for pals who are on the same journey!!! Add me!!!


  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Welcome! I'm a SAHM of 5 with a 5 month old baby. I know the struggles!
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    I'm a 40 year old mom of 6. This is round infinity for me. I've fluctuated between 143 and 166 for the last..... 6+ years. My "normal" weight is 120-135.
  • dawnellemom
    dawnellemom Posts: 76 Member
    Me too! 41 year old mom of 7, add me :)
  • tomiko0213
    tomiko0213 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 41 and have tried some many times but, this time will be different
  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    33 year old mother of 5. Having the same thoughts time to do this for me!! #mommytime
  • MikiBellah68
    MikiBellah68 Posts: 47 Member
    49 yr old mother of 7. 4 are mine birth children, three step. Maintainging wieght. Feel free to add me!
  • monica_delarosa
    monica_delarosa Posts: 22 Member
    I'm a 44 year old mom of 7 and I have been struggling to lose the weight. I am really hoping to stay focused this time. Feel free to add me.
  • NewMeSM75
    NewMeSM75 Posts: 971 Member
    I'm a 42 year old mom to 4 kids. Three live with me and my step son comes on some weekends. Leave for work around 6 am; return home around 5:30 pm.
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    40 YO Mom of 6. Add me ☺
    I'm a 44 year old mom of 7 and I have been struggling to lose the weight. I am really hoping to stay focused this time. Feel free to add me.

  • BethNY71
    BethNY71 Posts: 2 Member
    45 yr. old Mom of 4 here. My weight has fluctuated my whole life. Grrrr. I need to stay focused and could use a support team. Crazy life. I need to MAKE time to meal plan and make sure I have the right stuff in the house. Add me girls!!!
  • Gailmcg12
    Gailmcg12 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 38 year old. Mom of 2. A 4year old and 1 year old. My husband works shifts so it's hard to get out to exercise. We currently live on a mobile hone (building a house) so there's not much room for exercising indoors. I need serious help in the motivation department. I lack Consistency.
  • Disconapper
    Disconapper Posts: 18 Member
    edited May 2017
    37 (almost 38)year old mother of 2 (1 yr old and 3 yr old). I'm about 2 weeks into tracking and changing my diet. Started at 184 and currently 179 with a goal of 140. Would love buddies for support! Anyone can add me!
  • dracaene
    dracaene Posts: 21 Member
    41 yo mom of 3 kids (ages 6, 4, and 2). Started at 158 lbs with a goal to get down to 125. Would love support, and to be supportive. Add me!
  • minskienini
    minskienini Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I am Marie. SAHM of 4. Feel free to add me!
  • findingmi
    findingmi Posts: 31 Member
    Hi! I am a SAHM of two children and just turned 41. I am trying to lose 30 pounds in 4 months. I started on April 25. I would love to join this support group.
  • sdev9783
    sdev9783 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm a 33 year old mom of 4! I lost 90 lbs at one point and have managed to gain 60 back in 3 1/2 years! My husband and I have both been dieting and now he weighs 2 lbs less than me
  • melpidal
    melpidal Posts: 34 Member
    SAHM of 3-youngest is 10 months! Live in Spain where everyone is super skinny. Definitely could use motivation, encouragement and accountability!!!!
  • shraab
    shraab Posts: 6 Member
    I'm a 38 year old mom to four littles. Feel free to add me. :). I'm more determined than ever to become healthy. I just watched my father pass away at 60 and I want to do my best not to leave this earth so young myself. I'm looking for others so we can support each other.