HIt a major speed goal

Okohme Posts: 152 Member
So when I started running I started with this little 3 mile circuit around my neighbourhood that I had been walking for months. Eventually I moved up to being able to run a lot of it, and a few months ago I was able to run the whole distance regularly. Its a decently challenging course, its mostly hills, ups and downs. Anyway, I've been chasing my 30 minute goal (for a single circuit) for MONTHS and last Tuesday I DID IT. I ran it hard enough that I was not able to finish the rest of the run (the last .75 miles or so) running and had to walk. Now, this means I can only really run like that for about 3 miles, which is disappointing, but it also means that I finally can run hard enough to get good and winded, which I could not do previously because my stubby little legs always got tired first. :D Anyway next goal is to run 4 miles in 40 minutes!(1.3 loops of my circuit).
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