help with motivation

Hello, I have been on a roller coaster with my weight most of my life. I lose most of my weight in the spring and summer and I gain it again in the winter and I have no reason to I have exercise equipment to use. I lock myself in the house and I just don't care. I need to stay motivated all year round. Any suggestions.


  • jahnsmary44
    jahnsmary44 Posts: 5 Member
    I also have been on a roller coaster of weight gain all my life and found yoga to be most helpful. I think the key element has been looking at my journey in a new way. Being kind to myself when I make a backslide and looking at why I turned to food and my feelings behind that. I sometimes hibernate and feel better when I keep to of a routine of going to a yoga class... I have pushed myself on those days and have always felt better about myself for getting out.
  • Wolfger
    Wolfger Posts: 350 Member
    Hello, I have been on a roller coaster with my weight most of my life. I lose most of my weight in the spring and summer and I gain it again in the winter and I have no reason to I have exercise equipment to use. I lock myself in the house and I just don't care. I need to stay motivated all year round. Any suggestions.

    "No reason" isn't necessarily true. You may have Seasonal Affective Disorder. My wife starting using full-spectrum bulbs at the advice of her psychiatrist, and it does seem to help. Couldn't hurt, at any rate. You might wish to speak to a doctor about it.

  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Those lights, and taking vitD does help.

    If you do the hibernate, which a lot of us do, during winter adjust your calories accordingly. Hard, I know, when it is pot roast, not steak and salad season, but it is doable- even if you change from a 1 lbs loss to a .5 lbs loss.

    And if you stop exercising stop eating back the cals earned.

    The other thing I find helps is signing up for a programme. I try a new thing every year almost. I do find if I have paid the money and made the comitment, just like any other appointment, I will go.

    The trick is recognizing your habits and adjusting your calories in and calories out accordingly.

    Maintain- winter, lose- summer.
    Small deficit - winter, larger- summer.

    If movement drops in the winter drop your MFP activity level and only eat back the cals you expend when exercising.

    Cheers, h.
  • maryrivers3574
    maryrivers3574 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for all the advice. I guess this whole process is trial and error. I wish losing weight was easy. All of you are great. Thank you.