Running is so Hard!!!



  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    I detest running, so I can relate. Last week I tried to run a mile around the local school track. 4 laps is a mile. I was struggling to run 1 lap. So, yeah..I can't run a quarter mile. I would like to try the C25K and I plan on starting it soon.
  • Spartan_Gingi
    Spartan_Gingi Posts: 194 Member
    It gets easier! and it's oooohhh so worth it! Keep at it. Trust me, in a month, you'll be amazed at your progress. Also, I highly recommend keeping a running log. I get great joy in looking back at my notebook, and seeing the progress I've made in both distances, and speeds. Plus, I usually sleep like a rock now :). Best of luck!!
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    Another vote for C25K. Many people start by just running as far and/or as fast as they can, and I would never advise a newbie to do that. Start slow; speed comes with training. Even experienced distance runners do many of their runs at a relatively slow pace. The hardest run of my life was that first one minute running interval on day one of C25K. I'm now training for my third half marathon. It gets easier with a proper training plan.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    I think a lot of beginners run much too fast.

    Your main focus should be on your form, breathing and building distance. Speed comes with time.

    Run/jog slow enough that you'd be able to have a conversation with someone. Yes, that means that you'll be running slow enough that a fast walker could pass you.

    I'm just getting back into running and my pace is 8:40/km. Very very slow, but I can easily do a 5-6k and ENJOY it. I pay attention to my breathing, how my body feels and enjoy my music and the scenery.

  • SageMolokai
    SageMolokai Posts: 93 Member
    So many have said c25k but I'm saying it too!!! It's a great program! I started it last April and did it throughout the summer, repeating weeks sometimes. I don't think I would have ever had the courage or stamina to run 30 minutes straight without it! I'm kind of doing it again now but starting on week 7 or so and working in faster intervals to get down to an 8 minute mile. The mistake I made when I started running last year was running too fast. Like others have said, pick a comfortable pace and work up to going faster-- it will be more encouraging than having to slow down at week 5 like I did! Best wishes!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Rule # 1 for new runners.......slow down. Rule # 2........slow down some more.

    Many new runners mistakenly think that they need to try and run fast when the exact opposite is true. Try t run at a pace at which you can speak in complete sentences and you're not feeling completely out of breath. If you can only run for a minute that's for minuet , walk for 9 & repeat, the next week run 2 & walk 8 etc until you can run 10 minutes without a walking break then it's up to you if you want to stay with a run/walk program (there are pace bunnies at many races fro groups ding a run 10 walk 1 also referred to as the Galloway system) or if you want to run continuously.

    When I started running I could barely make it around the block without feeling like I was going to die. Now a slow 10km run is a mid-week training run, something I would have never dreamed possible 10 years ago.

    Run consistently and listen to your body, most running injuries are a result of too much, too soon, too fast & have fun!
  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    No guarantee you can do this, but here's my experience:

    In August 2011, I set out to see if I could become a runner. I found a program similar to C25K. The program called for starting with intervals of walk 1 minute, run 3 minutes. I was capable of walking 5 miles briskly at about 15:00 per mile.

    Problem: When I got out for the first workout, I found I couldn't run for 3 minutes. I ran for one minute, then had to slow to a walk.

    Immediate solution: I looked at the structure of the program. The first few weeks were all, walk X minutes, run Y minutes, repeat Z times. Do this 3 days a week, on non-consecutive days. During the week Z might increase a little. From week to week, X and Y got more challenging. So I built myself a 2-week remedial program of Walk 1, Run 1 for a week then Walk 1, Run 2 for a week. Then I did the program.

    I got to a 5K. Running 5 miles was hard. But the 4.4 mile Thanksgiving race sounded like a zoo for the crowds, so I went for the 10K Thanksgiving race on the other side of town. Ran it I think 12 days after the first time I ran 6 miles.

    Fast forward 5 and a half years, several injuries, and a lot of learning curve. Last Monday I ran my second Boston Marathon. Yesterday, I was mildly disappointed that at this point in my recovery, I needed to stop running at the 5 mile mark. Somewhere along the way, 5 miles became a short run and 2 miles became a warm up.

    C25K is popular here. It's popular because it works. Maybe you get to a 5K, and you're happy with 5Ks. Or maybe you get bit big by the running bug, and C25K is just the gateway drug that gets you started. You don't know unless you do it.
    I've said this before in another thread, but I find @MobyCarp's story truly inspiring, and have related it to other people IRL when they give me all the reasons for why they absolutely "cannot run". In fact, I even mentioned it to my doctor this very morning when we got to talking about running after he commented on how much leaner he thought I looked compared to this time last year.

    To the OP, there's so much great advice in this thread; but I can't stress enough what I consider to be the most important piece of advice: as mentioned by @Orphia and others, take it real slow at first and build up slowly from there; injuries can take you out of the game anywhere from a few weeks to several months or longer while you heal if you're lucky. And they can take you out of the game completely if you're not. Enjoy yourself, don't hurt yourself.
  • mcraw75
    mcraw75 Posts: 99 Member
    kaizaku wrote: »
    Ease into it, slowly but surely it will be like a walk in the park :smile:

    This is exactly what I did. I went for a walk in the park, then a longer one, then faster, then jogged, then ran. Take it slow and build on what you did last time.
  • 1sophiesophie
    1sophiesophie Posts: 67 Member
    (Thank you to those who explained their reasons for slowing down...definitely thought-provoking....think I'll take it down a notch until I have more kms under my belt)
  • TheCupcakeCounter
    TheCupcakeCounter Posts: 606 Member
    In January I was walking on my treadmill most days and then just randomly added in a jog here and there. There were usually about 30-90 seconds and at the end I was blowing hard. Yesterday I ran 3.1 miles without stopping and without planning to do it. I just could. I had planned to jog a couple of laps around a track by my house thinking I'd do a mile or so but it wasn't awful so I kept going.
    I didn't use C25K but I know others who did and it worked great for them so if you want to improve your endurance I would look into it. I did however start out running slow and I am still somewhat slow (but I'm ok with that).
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Orphia wrote: »

    My only other tip just now is to run slow! Most beginners run flat out (I did). There's no need. Run at a pace that feels like you can run forever.

    I am a big fan of C25K. Just a question Orphia...why do you suggest the above? So that you avoid injury? So that you don't overdo it and feel defeated? If you can complete each session at a decent pace, why wouldn't you?

    Not criticising (you can run 30k now, so your method clearly works). I am keen to understand your reasoning so I can learn from it.


    @1sophiesophie To add my two cents to all the other awesome answers...

    Why run slow?

    Because it makes running less hard! :)

    You won't feel like you want to die, which is usually why most people think running is hard. You'll want to keep running!
  • LJgfg
    LJgfg Posts: 81 Member
    hesfeld wrote: »
    @LJgfg I just recently started the JG Run/walk and was just curious, did you do the HM using the run/walk method? I am already loving the progress I am seeing transitioning from C25K to JG's program.

    Yes I did - so hard to take that first walk break when everyone else is still pushing hard - but the best way for me to "get'er done" :)
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    It does seem counter intuitive to "run slow to run fast". However, think of it this way.

    You start off slow, with a conversational pace, a pace at which you could sing a song and not die. You continue your work at this pace, each week increasing your distance by 10%, or so. You still keep at that conversation pace, signing the whole way. Your running partners, friends or just others on the same path, are now convinced you are completely nuts. But you persevere. Time goes by and you are now running at a conversational pace for over 5K. But you now realize that you're completing your course much quicker than when you started. Still at a conversational pace, but the distance has gone by faster than it did. Low and behold your conversational pace has gone from 15 minute miles to 14 minute miles to twelve minute miles to ten minute miles, still being able to sing that , by now, very annoying song. You have now got your distance up to 6 miles or so, and, feeling kinda good about yourself, you enter the local 5K race. You now realize that a conversational pace for 6 miles can translate into a much faster, albeit harder, 5K race pace, a pace you never before believed possible. The difference between race pace and conversational/training pace. you are now the little engine(runner) that could. Congratulations.

    Hard to believe at first that running slow can lead to running fast. It works all the while not getting hurt, injured, discouraged, fed up or feeling like it will never end because, at that conversational pace, it is enjoyable.

    Enjoy the run.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I went on my first run the other day and was dying. I live a sedentary life style so I wasn't surprised at how hard I struggled but I literally could not run consistently for more than a minute at most. I am determined to become more fit and plan to make running apart of my weekly routine but what can I do to become more motivated and easier??

    If you have any suggestions or words of encouragement that would be great

    Why are you running? If you want to do it, good. If not, there are plenty of other cardio things you can do instead that you may find more enjoyable (biking, swimming, brisk walking, step climbing, etc)
  • Texas_Toast_27
    Texas_Toast_27 Posts: 14 Member
    Truthfully, it never gets easier -- you just run faster. Like others have said, take your time ramping up both your distance and speed to decrease your probability of injury. Walk 500 m and run 500 m. Physical activity is the goal and you are accomplishing this just by getting out.
  • oocdc2
    oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member
    I'm not a fast runner--I average around 12 min/mile. But, I run around 22 mi./week, so I get all the benefits. It does get better, especially with C25K.
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    edited April 2017
    Started running at 287 lbs. I remember being sore for at least four weeks. I ran maybe 800 meters at a time. Barely average 11:45 pace. But, the weight came off, and running got better. Easier, not exactly, but better: I could go faster, which meant farther with the same perceived effort.

    216 today. Still can't do a half marathon without debilitating cramps, but stretch 20 miles over 32 hours, and I'm fine.
  • jbirdgreen
    jbirdgreen Posts: 569 Member
    edited April 2017
    I agree! At least you knew that it was going to be hard when you started lol. I had been doing Zumba and Spin, so I thought I was ready. I went to a beginner's running class and they almost had to leave me behind!

    Practice does make you better. Running intervals helped me. I may not have been able to run 1 minute straight at first, but what I could do was 1 minute of running, 2 minutes of walking. Do that and increase your working minutes every time, and you'll see a change.

    Weight training helps as well. When my leg/ab muscles got a little stronger, it made a huge difference!

    I can run without stopping for about five minutes or so now. I could probably do longer, but I only practice once or twice a week. I would like to get up to 30. We can do this!
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I can remember running to the top of the street huffing and puffing thinking my God I am out of shape. Fast forward to now and I usually go for a six mile run and think nothing of it. It is so cool when you feel yourself getting stronger and fit. You get this heck yeah I can do anything feeling. Start slow and build is my favorite saying. Read up on running, get fitted for shoes and replace them at about 325 miles. It helped me to use a running app to monitor my pace, miles and shoe miles. I use Runtastic pro and have it give me my distance and pace every mile. It also syncs to MFP so my friends can see too.