Running VS other cardio

JD0710 Posts: 26 Member
I am keen to get back into a routine again with my exercise rather than just random days.

I have been warned running may not help lose weight but in fact make me gain weight which obviously I don't want to do.

I also use fitness blender which has five 30 minute workouts a week but obviously that plus a 30 minute run would equal my hourly daily exercise.

If I ran three/four times a week is it likely I'll gain weight or is there better activities to do?



  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    edited April 2017
    Where did you get this crazy idea from?
  • JD0710
    JD0710 Posts: 26 Member
    One of my friends ran on a regular basis. Instead of losing weight she gained a few pounds. She then changed her exercise routine and then significantly lost.

    I was just curious to have opinions and experiences from others. But I seem to always get sarcastic or quite rude responses so I'm starting to believe this 'supportive community' on myfitnesspal is not all that.

    Thanks though.
  • aemsley05
    aemsley05 Posts: 151 Member
    I've heard people saying that when you start a new exercise regime you'll retain more water, which means it won't look like you've lost weight (or maybe even look like you've put on weight) at first. But give it a couple of weeks and the water weight will come off. The same would apply for any type of exercise, not just running.

    If you like running and it's convenient for you then go ahead and run. If not, try something else. After all, you're much more likely to stick to a regime (and therefore lose weight) if it's something that you enjoy and can fit into your routine. I personnally enjoy running, especially at the weekends when I can't easily get to the gym. I'm currently down about 12kg/26lb so running certainly isn't causing me to gain weight! Good luck and I hope you find a routine that works for you :)
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    The best exercise is the one you stick with. So try a few and see what you enjoy.
    There's no "best" cardio. They all kind of work the same, help you burn calories. If you don't eat them back, you lose weight.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i often get rungry, but i love running so wont give it up as my main form of exercise.

    losing weight is all about your calorie deficit.
  • LazyButHealthy
    LazyButHealthy Posts: 257 Member
    edited April 2017
    JD0710 wrote: »
    If I ran three/four times a week is it likely I'll gain weight or is there better activities to do?


    Running will not make you gain weight.

    Is your goal just weight loss, or is it increasing fitness?

    Personally, I was enjoying running (slowly) and was getting better, but my knees were getting worse. This year I joined a gym, and found that walking faster on a high incline (6%-10% depending) burns more calories for me than a jog on flat ground/treadmill. I also feel a burn through my calves and quads which is also satisfying!

    If you're on a treadmill and your priority is calorie burn, play around with the settings to find the optimal calorie burn per hour - speed and distance aren't everything!

    If you're running on a treadmill the advice I always got was never go below 2% incline. If the world isn't flat, then the treadmill shouldn't be either. ;)
  • Dazzler21
    Dazzler21 Posts: 1,249 Member
    edited April 2017
    i often get rungry, but i love running so wont give it up as my main form of exercise.

    losing weight is all about your calorie deficit.

    The runger is so real. Too often! :lol:

    Total calories burned per mile of running is 0.75 times your weight in pounds (roughly as effort and time affect this).

    So If I am running a mile at 178lbs I would burn around 134 calories a mile, in 3.12 miles or 5k (22 minutes for me) this would be 416 calories burned.

    So 10km = 832 Calories in let's say 45 minutes etc...

    That's a fantastic burn for that period of time.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    dazzler21 wrote: »
    i often get rungry, but i love running so wont give it up as my main form of exercise.

    losing weight is all about your calorie deficit.

    The runger is so real. Too often! :lol:

    Total calories burned per mile of running is 0.75 times your weight in pounds (roughly as effort and time affect this).

    So If I am running a mile at 178lbs I would burn around 134 calories a mile, in 3.12 miles or 5k (22 minutes for me) this would be 416 calories burned.

    So 10km = 832 Calories in let's say 45 minutes

    i use bodyweight in lbs x 0.63 x distance in miles. 10k gets me less than 600 cals
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    My sister doesn't run because it makes her ravenous and she ends up bingeing and gaining weight. I DO run, because I don't have that problem. I think it varies - each individual will respond differently - but ultimately, weight gain comes down to overeating. Try it and see what happens. Personally, I love running because I burn a lot of calories and then I can eat cookies. If I ate too many cookies after a run, I WOULD gain weight, but since I'm watching my calories, I know when to stop eating the cookies. B)
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    JD0710 wrote: »
    One of my friends ran on a regular basis. Instead of losing weight she gained a few pounds. She then changed her exercise routine and then significantly lost.

    I was just curious to have opinions and experiences from others. But I seem to always get sarcastic or quite rude responses so I'm starting to believe this 'supportive community' on myfitnesspal is not all that.

    Thanks though.

    Yes, you get a lot of sarcasm here, sorry!

    If you combine running with careful diet (logging accuracy at a deficit) you will certainly lose weight. (I'm living proof.) Usually, when people don't lose, it's because they exercise but also eat more.

    Running is great if your starting weight isn't too high and you have no joint problems.

    Best of luck with your program!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited April 2017
    Running does not make you fat. Eating too many calories over maintenance does. Do not reward yourself with food and you will be fine. Runger is real, for me I recognize it and control it by working with meal timing around my running or other forms of exercise.

    eta there is no 'best cardio'. If you are just looking for calorie burning, this is mistake #1. Look at cardio for cardio vascular health and something to enhance your weight loss a bit. Choose something that has a little 'fun factor' that you will enjoy doing.
  • V4kerker
    V4kerker Posts: 33 Member
    JD0710 wrote: »
    One of my friends ran on a regular basis. Instead of losing weight she gained a few pounds. She then changed her exercise routine and then significantly lost.

    I was just curious to have opinions and experiences from others. But I seem to always get sarcastic or quite rude responses so I'm starting to believe this 'supportive community' on myfitnesspal is not all that.

    Thanks though.

    What did your friend change in her workout routine to start losing weight? Do you think she may have been putting on muscle or fat weight during regular running basis?

  • Dazzler21
    Dazzler21 Posts: 1,249 Member
    dazzler21 wrote: »
    i often get rungry, but i love running so wont give it up as my main form of exercise.

    losing weight is all about your calorie deficit.

    The runger is so real. Too often! :lol:

    Total calories burned per mile of running is 0.75 times your weight in pounds (roughly as effort and time affect this).

    So If I am running a mile at 178lbs I would burn around 134 calories a mile, in 3.12 miles or 5k (22 minutes for me) this would be 416 calories burned.

    So 10km = 832 Calories in let's say 45 minutes

    i use bodyweight in lbs x 0.63 x distance in miles. 10k gets me less than 600 cals

    Looks like you may be cutting yourself short. However this is better if weight loss is the goal.

    My last 5k was a 432 calorie burn based on my HRM and Weight (linked with GPS).

    Otherwise you could just be a bit fitter than I :wink:
  • Dazzler21
    Dazzler21 Posts: 1,249 Member
    edited April 2017
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    My sister doesn't run because it makes her ravenous and she ends up bingeing and gaining weight. I DO run, because I don't have that problem. I think it varies - each individual will respond differently - but ultimately, weight gain comes down to overeating. Try it and see what happens. Personally, I love running because I burn a lot of calories and then I can eat cookies. If I ate too many cookies after a run, I WOULD gain weight, but since I'm watching my calories, I know when to stop eating the cookies. B)

    You can even eat the cookies and lose weight!

    My BMR is 1860ish
    I calorie deficit to 1500.

    Therefore if I do a 10k and burn 800 cals, that takes me to a calorie allowance of 2300 calories, but i'm trying to lose weight still so I only allow myself 500 back from exercise (2000 if you're keeping track) At 56 calories per Maryland Cookie, I can eat 9!

    9 Cookies!!!
    Very Rough Calc
    Allowance BMR+Exercise = 2660
    I have eaten about 2000 calories
    660 calories have been utilised for weight loss!
    Weightloss can still taste great!

    What is there not to like?

  • Fitness_and_FODMAP
    Fitness_and_FODMAP Posts: 72 Member
    I can't run, I have arthritis in my right hip and lower back, so it cripples me every time I try to run, but I get Hycling (cycling hunger) ... I'm an indoor cycling fanatic - I use my spinning bike every day and there are days when I get off my bike and head straight downstairs to the kitchen for a couple of rice cakes and a glass of chocolate milk - protein and carbs have saved me so many times post cycling session, so I know the pain is real ... !!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    dazzler21 wrote: »
    dazzler21 wrote: »
    i often get rungry, but i love running so wont give it up as my main form of exercise.

    losing weight is all about your calorie deficit.

    The runger is so real. Too often! :lol:

    Total calories burned per mile of running is 0.75 times your weight in pounds (roughly as effort and time affect this).

    So If I am running a mile at 178lbs I would burn around 134 calories a mile, in 3.12 miles or 5k (22 minutes for me) this would be 416 calories burned.

    So 10km = 832 Calories in let's say 45 minutes

    i use bodyweight in lbs x 0.63 x distance in miles. 10k gets me less than 600 cals

    Looks like you may be cutting yourself short. However this is better if weight loss is the goal.

    My last 5k was a 432 calorie burn based on my HRM and Weight (linked with GPS).

    Otherwise you could just be a bit fitter than I :wink:

    i thought that calculation was pretty universally used for runners? it works for me in terms of eating back my exercise cals and pretty much matches my Garmin.
  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    JD0710 wrote: »
    I am keen to get back into a routine again with my exercise rather than just random days.

    I have been warned running may not help lose weight but in fact make me gain weight which obviously I don't want to do.

    I also use fitness blender which has five 30 minute workouts a week but obviously that plus a 30 minute run would equal my hourly daily exercise.

    If I ran three/four times a week is it likely I'll gain weight or is there better activities to do?


    Take a look at marathon runners. Skinny like a twig.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    kaizaku wrote: »
    JD0710 wrote: »
    I am keen to get back into a routine again with my exercise rather than just random days.

    I have been warned running may not help lose weight but in fact make me gain weight which obviously I don't want to do.

    I also use fitness blender which has five 30 minute workouts a week but obviously that plus a 30 minute run would equal my hourly daily exercise.

    If I ran three/four times a week is it likely I'll gain weight or is there better activities to do?


    Take a look at marathon runners. Skinny like a twig.

    elite runner yes. people capable of running a marathon, not always.