80+pounds to lose Women 40's

I have a lot of weight to lose -at least 80 pounds for my first goal-and I am newly 40...so it's harder this time! looking for any motivation and support and new fitness pal friends!


  • Fridayss
    Fridayss Posts: 8 Member
    Hello I will be 48 this coming Saturday and I have the same weight goal to lose, so if you want to add me for us to support each other I am down thanks.
  • cherche829
    cherche829 Posts: 4 Member
    You can add me as well - I am 44 and looking to lose over 100 lbs.. We can support each other..
  • LizComeOut86
    LizComeOut86 Posts: 4 Member
    I am 30 and have about 100 pounds to loose,your all more than add me...I know I'm not in my 40's,sorry