Net calories



  • need2belean
    need2belean Posts: 356 Member
    lumenosis wrote: »
    I work as a grower in a greenhouse and then 60 min of HIIT or cardio. Lets just say activity hasn't been my problem

    If activity isn't your problem, then I say don't focus on that and only pay attention to the food you're eating as that seems to be the culprit. 90% of the time, I don't eat back any of my exercise calories. So, I have mine set at 1500 calories and say I workout that day with HIIT and lifting and I burn 600ish. I still only eat those 1500. Focus on your food intake and not the calorie burn.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    At your current weight, and losing at 1.5lb/week, it sounds like it's working just fine. I wouldn't mess with a thing for now. Re-evaluate as time moves on.
  • lumenosis
    lumenosis Posts: 66 Member
    So true!. The food I was eating was terrible. Worst eating habits ever.
    Now I try to do just that, but on days where I don't work my daily burn is way less and I tend to focus on what I can do to burn more calories so I can eat more than 1,500.

    I have a long way to go in permanently getting to a better place mentally food wise.
  • need2belean
    need2belean Posts: 356 Member
    lumenosis wrote: »
    So true!. The food I was eating was terrible. Worst eating habits ever.
    Now I try to do just that, but on days where I don't work my daily burn is way less and I tend to focus on what I can do to burn more calories so I can eat more than 1,500.

    I have a long way to go in permanently getting to a better place mentally food wise.

    If you're losing weight, just keep doing what you're doing. And if the calorie burn is messing with your head, then don't log your exercise at all. Sometimes the numbers mess with me too. That's why I got rid of my fitbit. I was seeing that I burn an extra 1000 calories and I would eat it all back. Surprise surprise, I didn't lose weight. Good luck.
  • lumenosis
    lumenosis Posts: 66 Member
    I ended up losing just over 2 lbs in this week so I know eating about half of my exercise calories back still results in a good deficit.