Who in the MFP community does yoga?

Vinehausen Posts: 3,233 Member
edited April 2017 in Fitness and Exercise
I've always wanted to incorporate a form of yoga into my lifestyle as a form of stretching post workout. What are others recommendations, thoughts, experiences etc.........


  • ABabilonia
    ABabilonia Posts: 622 Member
    I practice hot yoga at least once a week. I usually do level 1 (kind of begginer level), and I really love it. I also like the idea of Yoga with Adrienne, but you may want to go to a studio first. Just FYI, if you do yoga at home try not to push yourself too hard or you could get hurt. Start with some beginner yoga video. Good luck.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    disclosure: actual organized formal yoga in classrooms and especially with a teacher makes me batshit. so i may not be the demographic you want opinions from.

    but with that said, i have tried several times to just suck that part of it up and do it for the stretching, and so the two cents i have is that there are a lot of different forms. it might take you a little while of shopping around to find one that you like best, so keep that in mind too as you go.
  • catgerm
    catgerm Posts: 44 Member
    I think it would be worth it to go to some classes along with doing YouTube videos. In class helps since the teacher is hands on and makes corrections.
  • LeoT0917
    LeoT0917 Posts: 206 Member
    For yoga I recommend finding a beginners or basic yoga class. Check out the app called "Mind Body". It has a Class location function based on your zip code. It will also pull Up Pilates classes

    A good yoga teacher will help you with the practice based on YOUR fitness and ability level. If you happen to select one that doesn't, then immediately find another one. Most yoga studios will have several teachers to choose from.

    Hope this helps.
  • LeoT0917
    LeoT0917 Posts: 206 Member
    edited April 2017
    YW. Zip code in the US is the same as postal code everywhere else. Good luck!! I think you will find Yoga great!!
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I do hatha yoga daily. I started years ago on the Wii fit and continue d from there.

    I like the you tube videos.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I've done yoga for a few years when my goals allow it.

    Class would be a good base even if you only go to a few to start.

    As with anything new, don't push it...but try to enjoy it.
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    I do vinyasa yoga regularly. (some call it 'power yoga')

    It can leave you drenched with sweat on a tough day :)

    I think yoga is important for everyone, especially if you lift.

    Just doing Warrior 3 for a minute or so should tell you how little you've used some muscles since you were a child.
    As you get older, yoga can keep you limber and out of a wheel chair.
    (Want to travel when I retire, not moan about my joints)
  • yellingkimber
    yellingkimber Posts: 229 Member
    I took a restorative yoga class last semester and I'm currently doing Yoga Studio App's beginner flexibility programs every other day.
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    I tried to get into yoga for years on my own using videos and online instructions. Then I joined a gym that provides free classes and have been taking advantage of that. I started with a beginner yoga class. It was okay, but I think I was too far along for it (since I had been doing it on my own). I would suggest it for people who are brand new to yoga.

    I switched to vinyasa yoga, which is much more challenging. As annaskiski mentioned, you're a sweaty, exhausted mess by the end. I love it! I've been doing vinyasa since the end of the summer last year. I like having an instructor because they can correct your form and give you options to make a move easier or harder. Going to a class also makes me more likely to actually do it. :smile: It's been great for my posture, balance, and mood. I also move in general more gracefully/easily and less like a newborn calf.
  • fbchick51
    fbchick51 Posts: 240 Member
    I've been doing Yoga on and off for nearly 20 years. My personal observations for what ever that's worth.

    Hatha style is a lot like stretching. The routines are good and beneficial, but I didn't find it a major advantage over a good stretching routine.

    Vinyasa Flow programs are my favorite. I found doing 30-50 mins 3X a week seemed to be the sweet spot for maintaining good flexibility and overall body health (kept me nearly injury free during 8 years of tackle football in my 30's). I also found it really didn't matter when I did the yoga workout, just that I did it 3 x a week.

    I liked bikram yoga, but really struggled finding the 90 mins in my schedule and the class fees got a little too much to handle.

    I mostly learned from books and videos (long before youtube was invented). My favorite video is still Ali MacGraws Yoga mind and Body, which is about a 50 min vinyasa program that is pretty informative on how to hold the poses as well as guidance on modifying the poses for those who are less flexible and for those who want to make it more challenging. I also use some of the Rodney Lee videos to supplement as he has a few 30-40 min routines when I hit time crunches.