Any tips for sticking with the program while traveling?

Going away for a long weekend and worried about continuing to eat right and exercise. I imagine I'll be walking a lot, so that helps, but keeping to the right amount of calories could be more challenging. Especially as I'll likely be tempted to have some extra drinks being as it's mainly a vacation.

Any tips or advice?


  • LeslieC1970
    LeslieC1970 Posts: 160
    Try to make sure you get your water in and have sides of salad or veg with each meal. I normally try and have one meal as a salad only with grilled meat. It helps to keep the calories down.
    For drinks, I would stay away from the beer and keep to a liquor with diet pop or crystal light to also help control calories.
    Have fun.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Long weekend? Have fun, don't stress over things, hop back on it when you get back.
  • iamblackbeauty2
    iamblackbeauty2 Posts: 1 Member
    I just returned from a 4 day cruise. I had a small amount of breakfast (grits, boiled egg, and bacon), lunch-I always started with a salad, meat seemed to be more a surprise, and for dinner I did the same thing again, started with a salad, meat, and veggies. it wasn't too bad. However, I did enjoy some ice cream and sugar cookies.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    If your hotel has a fridge/microwave (or even just a coffee pot) bring or run to the store when you get there and get plastic spoons, disposable bowls or disposable coffee cups, a package of instant oatmeal, fresh fruit,and some single serve cups of yogurt (if you only have the coffee pot, forget the yogurt) and make yourself a healthy breakfast in your room.
    I started doing this when I travel on business because of food allergies and found that starting out the day right helps keep me thinking about what I'm eating for the rest of the day, so I either heat my oatmeal in the microwave or if I only have a coffee maker, I put the water through the coffee maker into the cup with the oatmeal (I don't drink coffee) to make oatmeal with a banana or an apple, if I have a fridge in the room I'll have the yogurt too or if I'm just in the mood for the oatmeal, I'll have the yogurt for a snack when I get back to my room or if it's late and I'm getting the munchies before bed
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    When going out to eat, log your meals BEFORE you order.
  • 4Pookiecat
    4Pookiecat Posts: 20 Member
    I use the exercise room at the hotel if they have one.
    I also share meals with my son rather than getting one each as we cant really take any left overs with us anyway. If there is no one to share with, i divide the food on my plate in half and only eat half.
    I calculate out my food so I know how much i can have ahead of time.
    If I am drinking, well, then I am not eating - I dont do this often but if I am going to have a beer, I have to make those calories up somewhere so I skip a meal or something (probably not healthy but to me it is better than eating or drinking too many calories.)

    The other thing I want to add is that there have also been times where I let myself go over on calories - you are on vacation and my experience is that sometimes eating a little extra and then going back on a rigid plan actually helps 'reset' my system and kick me into weight loss again.

    Good luck!!
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    Going away for a long weekend and worried about continuing to eat right and exercise. I imagine I'll be walking a lot, so that helps, but keeping to the right amount of calories could be more challenging. Especially as I'll likely be tempted to have some extra drinks being as it's mainly a vacation.

    Any tips or advice?

    Two words: Mobile App. Log it all, for eating out decide and enter what you're getting BEFORE you go. Helps keep the impulse eating at a minimum (and drinking to some degree.) For an extra kick, drink a glass of water before you eat anything... that will greatly reduce the amount you eat and drink while out at no real extra cost other than time to drink the water.

    Edit: PS- Don't fall in the trap of not logging because it's a bad day, embarrassing, etc... those are the most important days to log since they give you an idea of why you might be failing to lose weight at some point and how your health trends are going and how you can improve them.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Go enjoy yourself, try to make decent choices, drink water in between the adult beverages and get back to it when you return home.
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    Do some bodyweight exercise and cardio exercise like walking,use the stairs,playing dancing or sports games.

    about your nutrition or diet,, choose foods rich in protein.
  • muguet21
    muguet21 Posts: 8 Member
    My philosophy for traveling is to not restrict myself. I will not start to stress over food and try order the 'healthy' option on the menu (unless I want to!). I eat until I'm full and even if it seems wasteful, don't feel like you have to finish your plate. Ask to share a plate with someone and please do not feel guilty. It's a shame not to be able to eat local specialties or to grab an ice cream cone when the weather is perfect.

    Also, like you said, if you walk a lot and take the time visit a lot of things, you'll be exercising and probably snacking less than a day at work or at home.

    I've recently been to Europe and had no problem with weight gain because I snacked rarely (to save money and sometimes because they weren't available) and I was purely enjoying the sightseeing.

    Enjoy your trip to the fullest! :)