What is the best way to lose mass amounts of weight

I am trying to lose 85- 122 lbs where i will weigh somewhere between 108 to 145 and right now i weigh like 230. I'm not really in shape i do about 2 50 minute walks a day a burn close to 170 calories every walk. My main problem is that i eat when I'm board and i don't drink enough water and it become very frustrated to work out when i don't seem to be losing any weight, and ya i no i got to get rid of my eating habit. What would b so light but filling foods and a exercise to burn a lot of calories?


  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Calorie Deficit
    Realistic Expectations

    All the rest is personal preference.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Calorie Deficit
    Realistic Expectations

    All the rest is personal preference.

    ^ Absolutely.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Calorie Deficit
    Realistic Expectations

    All the rest is personal preference.

    ^ Absolutely.

  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Calorie Deficit
    Realistic Expectations

    All the rest is personal preference.

    Yea, this.

    First of all, a calorie deficit is THE ONLY way to lose weight. Every single diet out there functions on the basis of a calorie deficit, because there is no other way to lose weight, but if won't happen over night, so patience is extremely important.
  • Witchdoctor58
    Witchdoctor58 Posts: 226 Member
    What everyone else said.

    Also, consider a support group like Overeaters Anonymous, or get counseling for compulsive eating.
    Educate yourself about basic nutrirition, so you at least know what you should be eating, and how many calories are appropriate.
    See a nutritionist. See your GP to make sure you don't have diabetes or thyroid issues
  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,411 Member
    Everything stated below ....amen.

    1. You got to get your head in the game first. If your mind set is not there then you are not going to get anywhere. Its your biggest battle. So until you evaluate all of the reasons and change your mind set, you will continue on your path.

    2.You did not gain it over night and you should not lose it rapidly either. You should set baby step goals that are realistic. I knew my overall goal but I set small attainable goals as I went along. I did not beat myself up if I did not reach them. I realized that it would take longer. One to two pounds a week is ideal.

    3. Get moving.....slowly but work on increasing time. Don't worry about distance.

    4. Get another person to support you or a group....like people on here. They can be your biggest encouragement.

    5. Ask yourself if you really are hungry or just on auto pilot to eat. If you must eat....eat veggies and apples. The longer it takes to chew them the better.

    6. When boredom strikes....find something to do. Reorganize. Take a walk. Get moving.

    Hope this helps.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Think diet for losing weight and exercise for health.

    Losing weight is only half the battle .... you then have to maintain the weight loss. So, what works best (for many people)..... are lifestyle changes that accomodate both. Change a bad habit permanently & you will have better success keeping weight off in the future.

    Foods that are filling ..... protein, fats, and fiber..... look to maximize the nutrition for the calories that you eat (make them count) ..... and not just minimize calories. Fats are certainly not minimal calories ..... but they are necessary. Protein is not minimal calories ..... but necessary. Instead, look to cut out processed foods - these (often) contain less fiber, more sodium, more sugar, and sometimes less protein.... not the best use when calories are limited.

    Everything is portion control. Restaurant food promotes "portion distortion" .... we have forgotten (or maybe never knew) what a real portion looks like.

    For bored - mindless eating. There are really only a few foods that you can "get away" with. Some veggies are so low in calories that you can pretty much eat as much as you want..... lettuce, cucumbers, celery.....they have fiber, but not the best nutritionally speaking. Air popped popcorn ..... not extrememly low in calories, but at least you can have a decent sized portion.

    Drinking more water ..... try a reminder. Put several rubberbands on your water glass, remove them as each glass is emptied.

    Exercise helps you keep lean muscle as you are losing weight. Yes, it does burn a few calories .... but mainly this is for your fitness. Look for an exercise program that you can do forever .... something you enjoy doing. Start slow and be consistant.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member

    Make small changes that you can keep up for the rest of your life. Eat a little bit less, move a bit more.