Can I improve terrible cardiovascular fitness with 5 mins aerobic activity per day?



  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,011 Member
    OP, you seem stuck on this idea that you need to end up out of breath to be improving your health, which isn't the case. If you don't really move around much all day, taking a nice 15 min walk where you get your heart rate up a little and breathe a little bit faster is an improvement. Then when that gets easy, add another 5 minutes, and then another, until you get to the recommended 30 minutes. Then take 5 of those minutes and pick up the pace a little, or go up a hill, and so on.

    Walking briskly on a flat surface every day will improve your cardiovascular health.
  • markrgeary1
    markrgeary1 Posts: 853 Member
    When we started walking it must have been a sight. It was hilly and we choose to walk around the neighborhood. DW couldn't keep her footing going downhill, I'd walk ahead of her for brakes. I couldn't walk uphill, my heartrate was off the charts.

    We saw change very quickly, although we were walking 30 minutes. Within a couple of months it was hysterical to look back at what we couldn't do. I no longer had to be the DW'S brakes and I could walk uphill with ease.

    Our first mile walk took 48 minutes, I have done it in twelve.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Yes! I started with baby steps. Short mini walks now and then during the day. Now I can hike a few hours at a time.


    Down 140lbs: My story.
  • lillywhite71
    lillywhite71 Posts: 14 Member
    Some very inspiring examples. Hopefully I will come back and update one day.
  • dfwesq
    dfwesq Posts: 592 Member
    Do check with your doctor.

    In answer to your original question, this article might help.

    Executive summary: even just little daily exercise can help people live longer.
  • FreyasRebirth
    FreyasRebirth Posts: 514 Member
    Moderate intensity can be summarized as: easy enough to be able to hold a conversation, hard enough to that you can't sing.

    Improvement is the adaptation to a stressor. There are several ways to improve; the body can improve oxygenation with more blood, store more glycogen (quick-access fuel) in the muscles, and increase the muscles themselves. Even doing jumping jacks for a minute (while cooking, commercial break, waiting for the shower to heat up, ect) can make small 'stresses'.