Crossfit or Weight Lifting in at Home Gym? Pointers?

I've been torn, I really want to join a "personal" small class type Cross fit class but the price for it is ridiculous. I've taken 2 classes before and have thrown up right after the class, so that makes me hesitant on joining and wonder if anyone can give advice or pointers. Couldn't I just learn some of the weight lifting technics at my little at home gym? I just really want something I can build muscle, lose weight, and tone up. All I've been really doing is cardio, and its taking my *kitten* away, I've started doing a few squats but its not good enough to build a butt.


  • Muscle_for_Fitness
    Muscle_for_Fitness Posts: 2,198 Member
    Crossfit is not a very good at home workout option especially if you are not well versed in movements or very proficient in movement techniques. I think a weight lifting program that helps teach you proper technique and has you in a progressive overload program is the best. New Rules of Lifting, Starting Strength, Stronglifts, Strongcurves are all programs that would be better suited for a newer lifter at home. Focus on technique first to make sure it is down before increasing weight too heavy. Use mirrors, videos or friends to check technique.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Here is the list of tried and true programmes that are often recommended. You can also check out YouTube for home routines.

    Chose a programme that suits your fitness level, and the equipment you have available. Some routines can be adapted, but make sure the move is like for like.

    Cheers, h.
  • joshrthomas6903
    joshrthomas6903 Posts: 2 Member
    You are vomiting due to the body's natural response to the force being put on it. In order to go hard and as fast as you are/were your body feels like it needs to purge whatever is in your gut to meet the need. It will go away. As for the cost, you ha ego pay for quality training to get quality results. Simple
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    manders281 wrote: »
    I've been torn, I really want to join a "personal" small class type Cross fit class but the price for it is ridiculous. I've taken 2 classes before and have thrown up right after the class, so that makes me hesitant on joining and wonder if anyone can give advice or pointers. Couldn't I just learn some of the weight lifting technics at my little at home gym? I just really want something I can build muscle, lose weight, and tone up. All I've been really doing is cardio, and its taking my *kitten* away, I've started doing a few squats but its not good enough to build a butt.

    Why did you puke? Did you eat too close to class? I've been around crossfit for over a couple years now and have yet to see anyone puke. Also, if you don't want to puke and it's not from eating too soon, dial the intensity back a little or change the scaling. It's not rocket science

    Is there another box you can go to that maybe has different programming?
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    If you have the equipment, lift at home. If you really want that crossfit community, shell out the money. You don't NEED it to have a fit body.
  • manders281
    manders281 Posts: 4 Member
    @rybo I think the first time I puked was I ate to close to the class(even tho it was a banana and nuts) and nerves, the second time I didn't eat before hand and I felt I even took it easy in the class. Maybe I am just that out of shape, there is another similar program that seems to be amazing and starts people off really slow and evaluates you to see if the class is a good fit for you. I guess ill just have to go for it and see what happens.

    thanks all for your input and helpful comments.
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    I lift at home and have never done Crossfit. I bought a used power cage, only bar, bench & weights. I've gotten some bands & fractional weights, foam roller & I have been able to do StrongLifts 5x5, PHUL & Wendler, so far. Make sure if you do decide to work at home to research proper form for the lifts and get a cage or squat rack that has safeties.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    I tried at home but found myself getting stalled out because I just don't have the equipment necessary to keep progressing.

    Can you look into a different fitness option? I just joined planet fitness, they have several classes that sound pretty intense and awesome, but perhaps less insane than crossfit. I'd never do crossfit just from videos I've seen, too intense for me at this time. But these classes are not huge groups but not super small either, some incorporate dumbells others focus on body weight and they even have that class where you hang from the ceiling. Can't remember the name off hand. But there is an in between out there some where for you :) home gyms are great but I like the variety avaliable at the gym and I don't have to spend a lot of money upfront on equipment.