3500 calories a day meal ideas



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    livingleah wrote: »
    Hi there!
    I'm a thin girl - 112 lbs and need to gain healthy weight to improve my balance and overall health! 3500 calories a day is the goal. I currently take a bunch of supplements, have a fiber rich diet, walk 4 -6k steps per day, and drink tons of water and it's not cutting it! Any suggestions for a woman who is recovering from a a three year sickness/infection, struggling to survive and is now ready to thrive!

    Lady Lee

    Drink milk instead of water
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    cpark842 wrote: »
    Sorry every body busy work week. Every body saying good stuff. My macros at 50% carb 20 protein and 30 fat. But I don't think that's accurate as I stopped gaining weight. I'd like to keep it as clean as possible.

    Meals I'm sick of, ground turkey red potatoes with asparagus. Beef stroganoff. Tilapia ha ha I mean I could eat those, just need new ways of cooking it if y'all have any suggestions

    It's not macros that make you gain, it's calories.

    If you want it to be clean then tough, suck it up... or add in more calorie dense 'junk' to hit your goals.
  • Wiz_06
    Wiz_06 Posts: 18 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Wiz_06 wrote: »
    I'm also trying to gain. I've been doing good around 3000 cal intake per day but now the scale isn't moving up anymore lol. I'm looking to increase my cal intake but need more high cal meal ideas...

    add a serving or two of ice cream and that will be 250 to 500 calories more per day

    Thanks, I'll try that
  • CiaIgle
    CiaIgle Posts: 72 Member
    I hate this post :wink:

    I only can have 1950 kcals :smiley:
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    I'd eat mac and cheese 5x a day.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'd eat mac and cheese 5x a day.

    I'd eat a jar of peanut butter a day...
  • ktekc
    ktekc Posts: 879 Member
    I love halo top now that ive found it but boy would i destroy some B&J's Chunky Monkey.
  • tomwasilj3w
    tomwasilj3w Posts: 186 Member
    Probably not recommended but I've been eatting a ton of steak super burritos and steak tacos. Lots of grilled steak and chicken.

    Definetly not healthy but I eat a whole can of fried Corned beef mixed with a cup of rice and 1 scrambled egg. It's about 1200 calories for just that one meal.

    Ill usually eat 1 lb bacon burgers as well.

    My arteries must love me
  • Sbaldoza
    Sbaldoza Posts: 4 Member
    I've had multiple admissions for anorexia nervosa so have had to gain significant amounts of weight, so I thought I'd share my 3500 cal meal plan that I had in hospital (eventually it was bumped up to 4000):

    Breakfast - 700 calories - 3 weetabix or 50g cereal, 200ml ss milk, piece of fruit or cup of juice, two slices of toast (or two crumpets or one hot cross bun or one croissant etc) with spread (chocolate spread or peanut butter or butter+jam or butter and one egg for the two slices)
    Lunch - 600 calories - sandwich made of 2 slices bread or a large wrap etc with a 100-150 cal filling, plus a snack or cold dessert item such as a rice pudding or cereal bar or crisps (150-200cals), and a piece of fruit
    Dinner - 600 calories - protein, veg and carbs, however you like! PLUS another 400 calories for a dessert such as a hot pudding or lots of ice cream.

    Morning and afternoon snack were 400 calories each and were meant to be a snack type item (200 cals) and 200ml milk and a piece of fruit.

    Evening snack was 400 calories and was 200ml milk and then something like a 3 weetabix/50g cereal and a couple biscuits or a piece of fruit, or a hot chocolate.

    If you prefer 'healthier' things, snacks could be hummus and carrot sticks etc. Snacks were basically just names for 'anything goes'! Also if snacks seem heavy, dinner could be bigger, or have a large dessert at evening snack. Dessert could be eaten with dinner and then night snack could be smaller, etc. Hope this helps!
  • Joordzz93
    Joordzz93 Posts: 4 Member
    Trying to gain weight myself. For my breakfast, i have a shake which consists of 1400+ calories. Milk, bananas, peanut butter, honey, maple syrup, ground oats, cacao powder and ice. One of my snacks id have during the day is yoghurt with mixed nuts, sunflower seeds and dark chocolate chips, its over 1000 calories. Before bed id have a bowl of granola as well with milk, its about 450 calories. Theyre some ideas for you if that helps :)