Eating When Bored.... (and midnight snacks!)

CaptainJim157 Posts: 390
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Any suggestions? I just realized that now, lol
I always eat (usually junk, chips, popcorn, chocolate, granola bars, etc) all stuff that has no "real nutrition" when I'm bored,
Does anyone know how to occupy myself when I get a craving? This always seems to be around night time too, or even the midnight snack! The last month or two I've been getting granola bars during the middle of the night, or something like that.
I always get hungry at night especially when everyone is sleeping :/ I've still lost about 8 lbs in the last month, but I know I could be making healthier eating choices..... Well, I'd really appreciate it if you guys/girls could help me out!




  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    You may benefit by reading some of the responses on the previous question to yours

    Also - get a new hobby (paint, needlepoint, crochet, knit, etc), get on the computer - play games, read articles - or read a good book. Main thing is to do it AWAY from the kitchen! Good luck!
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    If you are serious about being healthier, go empty the cabinets of things you know you shouln't be eating! Go to the store and get celery, carrots, berries, string cheese, turkey breast, etc......things you know you should be eating. :) NO MORE JUNK!!!
    If you have healthy foods in the house - you'll eat them.
  • brwneyes71
    brwneyes71 Posts: 89 Member
    Try eating fruit or cheese instead of the junk food if you can...or if you have to have the junk food break it down into snack bags into the exact calorie amount for instance 20 chips equals 80 calories ruffles light chips.. it is just a suggestion. good luck.
  • Thanks! The only thing with emptying the cupboards, I'm only 20 so my mom buys all the groceries, don't get me wrong, she buys A LOT of healthy stuff, but I guess I just have a sweet tooth when it comes to the night :/
    Any fruits or veggies that have the same effect more or less of chips etc?
  • dford5
    dford5 Posts: 92 Member
    When I do that, I either brush my teeth or chew gum. Who wants to dirty up a clean mouth? :laugh:
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Oranges are sweet, celery is crunchy and slightly salty. I have been trying to get to bed earlier to beat my late night cravings.
  • I try to leave something from my daily calories for the night time as this is also when I crave . Lately , I have a bag of the
    100 calorie snacks, already prepackaged.
  • Troutman
    Troutman Posts: 28
    Get serious! Just save some calories for late evening. And have something you like. I saved calories last night for a McDonalds small cone. I count it for 1.5 the calories they say it is to be on the safe side. I will also eat pretzels or better yet peanut butter filled pretzels.
  • I try to stop eating by 9. Right now I'm finishing off my iced starbucks coffee but that's not a normal item.

    I know when I crave something, be it food or calling someone I shouldn't. I just go watch a movie or try and go to sleep. That way I can focus on that instead of thinking of a snack or person or whatever.
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    I'm the same way. When I'm just sitting around doing nothing, I want to eat. If I'm on the couch watching tv with my husband after dinner, I need a snack, even though I just ate and I'm not realllllly hungry!

    I think the best thing to do is what some others suggested, leave yourself some space at the end of the day. And it is ok that you can't get rid of all the bad stuff in your house- I didn't do that, either (I would never do that to my husband!), but make serious choices. Look at your options and decide if it is worth it. For me, most things aren't, and I've been able to find some better alternatives while still getting whatever it is I crave. Snackwell's instead of other cookies, Wheat Thins crisps instead of chips, etc. And you can make your own low-cal/low-fat dips with fat free sour cream (very minor taste difference, and easy to get used to) to eat with veggies or even chips if you want.

    The thing about eating late is it depends on how late you stay up. If you are going to be up until 3am, not eating after 8 or 9 is not going to work for you, because you'll be starving by the time you go to bed. You have to find a time that works for you, even that is on a day to day basis- if you know you'll be up for a while, eat something! As long as you have some calories left and you don't go to bed for a few hours you'll be ok. If you are just starting to get hungry but are getting ready for bed, don't eat anything.

    ps~ LOVE the Sims! =)
  • Ask your mom to get you dried fruit. Dried fruit usually has similar carb content to chips (which is likely what you're craving).
  • I have the same problem sort of, but my issue is during the day. When work is slow (and lately it has been), or if I'm doing something menial, I feel hungry. I'm not quite sure how to combat this!
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