Medically Restricted Diet



  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    mavisclump wrote: »
    Erfw7471 wrote: »
    Food is carb/protein/fat and fiber. It sounds like you need a high fiber diet as that is the only thing you did not list that you said needed to be low. That would be a whole foods plant based diet. Aim for 30 to 50+ grams of fiber per day with no added oil or salt and nothing refined.

    Fiber is included in carbohydrate count, it isn't it's own macronutrient. 30-50 grams of fiber would most likely make the total carb count on the higher side.

    OP, this is so similar to what my mom has to eat due to multiple health issues. Her primary diet is lean proteins (get a maximum amount from your doc/dietician, this is crucial for kidney disease); fats such as olive oil, olives, & coconut oil; nuts; & avocado; and fruits & vegetables as her primary source of carbohydrates (not so much bread & rice & pasta). She does eat eggs as well, but her docs are good with that.

    OP, you mentioned health issues but do you also have excess weight to lose as well?

    Yes, and I have been working on it for about 6 weeks. The exercise part isn't too hard; I've been able to do that for 33-34 days, but the learning curve on the nutrition part is huge. I seem to go over on every macro every week, despite checking all labels, rejecting all foods that have high anything in them, and strict portion control. I also get confused about how the total versus net calories work and how to burn enough calories each day to make 7000 a week (to lose 2lbs a week). So, if I have a 1200 calorie per day limit, and I burn 350 on the treadmill before work, my net cals are 1550, which I have read that I should not eat back bc it negates the purpose of the 1200 limit, i.e. they nearly cancel each other out, if that makes sense. So it looks like I am only burning approx 2500-3000 calories a week, and I will remain a meatball with all of these numbers. Then on top of it, I have a bunch of things to lower the amounts of or eliminate them altogether. Maybe a vegetarian diet? Btw, I massively hate cooking.

    if you eat 1200 and burn 350 and dont eat back your calories you are netting 850. now if you eat 1550(gross not net) and burn 350 and eat those calories back you net 1200. you want your calorie goal to net 1200 because that is what MFP gave you without exercise.

    you do not have to exercise enough to burn 7000 calories,your deficit is built in already when you calculate how much weight you want to lose. anything you burn through exercise will be extra calories burned which is why you eat them back. you could eat your calories and not exercise and lose weight because of the deficit being built in already. your body burns calories just to keep functioning.

    although exercise improves our health and how our body will look. I think maybe you are overthinking this? you also dont have to become vegetarian, and even if you do you will still have to learn how to lose the weight because being vegetarian doesnt mean weight loss will be easy.there are many vegetarians and vegans here who became overweight/obese.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Exercise will be good for your heart & glucose levels, if your has cleared you. Don't listen to those who say you don't need exercise. It's one of the best things you can do for your health!
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Exercise will be good for your heart & glucose levels, if your has cleared you. Don't listen to those who say you don't need exercise. It's one of the best things you can do for your health!

    no one is saying not to exercise but its not needed for weight loss and I stated it improves health and how your body looks
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Yes you need to simplify to see yourself straight on this.

    If you make the kidney friendly diet your priority, keep to the protein limit. You will fill up with veggies and carbs. Stick with heart friendly fats like olive oil.

    For days you don't cook try the Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers. All portioned out for you already.

    Avoid high potassium foods.