Thinking of starting to maintain weight.

This is a wee gripe. I feel Iwant to continue on a weight loss journey. I'm 5ft and 120 ish lbs. Lost 18lbs. I have fat on my back and bottom arms... Female friends keep telling me to stop or asking what my goal is in a sorta concerned manner but they seem to be inferring I'm out of control and warped. It's really demotivating me. I admit this is about owning my own success and physical strength but these friends seems to think it's my fragility, that I am trying to attract attention etc.. it's getting irritating. I cannot afford a gym until Sept.. then I get personal training on body composition etc. People are robbing me of the joy and satisfaction... I'm not a big beforehand and after pic person. Not my style. Wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience? Again the friends are correct, I've lost weight and look smaller but I still have a way to go and composition need to change. Got that off my chest! Wish I could get rid of the excess skin as quickly.


  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,178 Member
    From a BMi perspective, you could probably lose around 20 lbs or gain a few more from where you are. How this works on you, and how your friends perceive it, that no one can tell you here. Personally I feel more comfortable on the lower end of the normal BMI range, but this has to do also with how I am built , my health issues and my perception of "beauty". Someone else might look/feel great where you are now.
    How do YOU feel?
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Don't pick your goal weight by what your friends say - it has to be your choice.

    You also have lots of choices including taking a diet break to allow yourself to assess where you want your ultimate goal to be or simply slowing down the rate of weight loss.

    Excess skin takes time to recover and also the perception of your friends and family takes time to adjust to the new you. I got some "too thin" comments (mostly from failed dieters it must be said...) and I'm hardly under-nourished looking!
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    I am 4'11 and around 105 pounds. I am not too skinny and have noticed those most concerned about my weight are overweight or obese. You can still lose weight and be perfectly healthy if that is what you feel you need to do.

    That being said, having a break from losing weight for a month and eating at maintenance can help you clarify your goals and help your bodies metabolism. Just gradually increase your calories until you hit maintenance and stick with that for a few weeks or so and then gradually decrease them again if you decide you want to lose more.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    I'm 5'2" and am 134 aiming for 120-124. I would imagine you look great. When I was at 121 a couple of years ago I still had fat around my belly but decided I was a good weight- for me. That, and I didn't want to have to go down a size in pants!