Surroundings or Marriage and Weight Gain

So, I have heard about this happening and I am just wondering what anyone else might have done if it happened to them as well. When I got married in March I was 135/133 pounds (a little small for me but 135/137 I was mighty happy with) and working out 5 times a week, eating clean and feeling great. Now, let me note, a few things have happened since then which include LOTS OF STRESS/moving/lack of sleep/no structure. Things have been happy/exciting/care free at times as well. I now on July 24th weigh between 149/152. My husband and I are NORMALLY very clean eaters and love to workout and stay healthy. But after all that has been going on, things have just gone down. I have just started to get back to the gym and I have TRIED to get back to my healthy eating but, I was just wondering, has this also happened to anyone else? What did you do? Could it just be the surroundings or is it the comfort level of being married? Your thoughts and stories!


  • amoymh
    amoymh Posts: 44
    I am NOT married or even in a relationship BUT I do know that every single time I enter a relationship whether things are going fabulous or sour I ALWAYS gain 10-20 lbs. I think its the comfort and the "oh, he'll love me at any size" mentality. Even when I would try dieting and exercising to lose the weight it wouldn't work because I was so comfy in the relationshp and frankly, after the honeymoon phase was over I would put looking good on the back burner and stop giving a sh(t. But I'm over that now. I've realized that whether I'm single or with someone my health comes first. Devoting to posting on this site daily to monitor and control my calorie intake Is and will be my plan of action. Congrats on getting married BTW, much happiness to you and your husband :)
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Firstly, congrats on getting married! My personal experience is that it is a comfort thing. I'd always been fairly slim (I'm small so I do have to be careful anyway) but the comfort of being in a long term, happy, secure relationship (married 5 1/2 years and love him more each day) does in my view have an effect. You cook more, you make desserts, you eat (and drink!) well with friends, you have those lovely lazy evenings in with a movie and really unhealthy foods - and before you know it you've gained 20lbs. For me the realisation came in April 2010 when I realised I was no longer happy with my weight - both from the perspective of health but also realising that I had maybe let things get out of control and that I wanted to get back to the 'slim thing' that he fell in love with. I guess it's a wider thing - relationships take effort every day and I don't ever want to take for granted the fact that my husband loves me. He doesn't care about my size but I would never want to feel that I don't try to look my best and make him proud.

    What did I do? Spent a while thinking that as long as I exercised, I could carry on eating the way I was! Then got real, joined this site, learnt about healthy eating and portion control and bought some home workout DVD's (gyms have never been my thing). And we still eat really nice food - perhaps just less of it - and I know that I need to workout in order to accomodate some of that food. For me, life is too short to deprive myself of good food so I know that I have to compensate for it in other ways.

    So, in a rambling way - you are not alone:smile: I think 'amoymh' is right - you land in the trap of 'loved whatever size' and whilst it may be true, it shouldn't be enough. For me it was about that moment when I suddenly realised I wasn't happy - when I put on a favourite shirt and the buttons stretched across my stomach!! Don't know whether I've really answered your question but I've rambled cheerfully on!
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    I lost weight after being married. I gained it a bit when I was happier this year..up to 128. But that isn't all that much over my goal weight of 124.
  • TLCorsini
    TLCorsini Posts: 78
    I too just got married! July 6th to be exact! The 6 months leading up to the wedding I was also dealing with moving/wedding stress/miscarriage/no sleep, the list could go on! I told myself that it was ok to be in a slump and that there were other things more important that needed my full attention. NOW that all that stuff is overwith, I feel that my agenda is clear and I can focus on getting myself healthy. Get your mind right so you can get your body right.