Am I eating enough??

Hi all, I have recently decided to get myself in shape and to start eating better. However I have a question regarding the amount of calories I'm eating.
I am running in the morning, only about 1 1/2 miles and this is done on an empty stomach as I don't feel like eating at 5 o'clock in the morning, in fact I don't eat breakfast at all. I have my first meal at around midday. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I do weight training aswell in the evening and have my evening meal around 7:30pm.
Today is the first time I have tracked my calories and macros, I have only eaten 776, and fallen short on all my macros, however I'm not hungry, I don't feel that I need more food. I am doing a calorie deficit which allows me 1199 cals with out my make up cals. Is falling this short on calorie intake bad for me?

Thanks in advance


  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,447 Member
    Eat at least the 1200. Fail to fuel your body will 1. Prevent long term success 2 impeed brain function 3. Can cause you to lose your hair 4 can cause long term organ failure
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    You want to fuel your body to remain functional. Every once and a while is not going to hurt you, but a habit of going under will likely result quickly in unusual fatigue (and a fatigued body likes to overeat). Consider 1200 a goal to meet rather than a limit to stay under. It's a minimum, and really is only appropriate for shorties like me (and even I eat 1340).
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    You're male? Ponyboy? 1500 calories is the default minimum males should be eating. You definitely need to consume more calories.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    amtyrell wrote: »
    Eat at least the 1200. Fail to fuel your body will 1. Prevent long term success 2 impeed brain function 3. Can cause you to lose your hair 4 can cause long term organ failure

    OP is Male and shouldn't eat less than 1500. Since you're only eating half that - YES - it is very bad for you to be doing what you are.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,447 Member
    Sorry I assumed you were a girl. Do not eat under 1500
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Yes, if your logging is accurate and you're consistently getting less than 800 calories a day then you're not eating enough.
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    Stay gold, Ponyboy.

    And eat a healthy amount of calories to fuel your body for your activity and lifestyle.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,028 Member
    Why is it if someone says they're only eating 1200 calories and not losing weight, everyone asks them about their logging habits (food scale, accurate database entries, etc.). But if someone (male, no less) claims to be running a mile and a half every day and lifting three times a week and only eating 800 calories a day, everybody accepts that that's accurate.

    So, ponyboy, how did you determine that you only ate 776 calories? Did you weigh all your food (gold standard technique), did you use volume measures (measuring cups and measuring spoons), or did you just eyeball and guesstimate amounts? Did you check the database entries you used against package labels or the USDA nutrient database?

    If today's food intake was typical of what you normally eat, how much weight have you lost in what time frame? Because if weight hasn't been melting off, you are eating way more than 776 calories.
  • Mr_jimyh
    Mr_jimyh Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks to everyone's replys, firstly I know my username sucks, but it was a few years ago now lol.
    Ok, just so we are on the same page, I am not consciously only eating 776 calories, I'm eating the food I prepare and becoming full, I do not feel hungry so therefore feel no need to eat more than I have prepared, if I was hungry I would certainly eat more within my macros.
    Lynn, I do weigh out all my food and use the scanner on MFP to register the food I'm eating ( I'm afraid I'm unsure of what the ' gold standard technique' is, I shall research it.) I am eating chicken (a lot), fish including salmon, cod, haddock and tuna, and steak sometimes, usually with either some rice, or potato, and then veg or salad. My meals are so boring lol.
    I have only been doing this for around three weeks now and so far have lost 4kg, 81.9 - 77.9. When I weigh myself which isn't often it is at the same time of day and in the same place and always in my underwear. I'm not concerned with losing weight tho to be honest, I'm more concerned about losing fat and inches, which just by my looks I can see happening.
    I suppose what I really need an answer to, is that if I am not hungry should I be forcing myself to eat in order to reach my calorie and macro goals??
    Thanks again.