WOW... I can't believe I used to eat THAT!

Just a little food for thought... On top is a TINY microwave burrito. I used to eat two or three of these as a snack without even thinking about it. On the bottom, we have what I had for dinner tonight. Sautéed squash and chicken and a spinach salad with feta and poppyseed dressing. I love the new eating habits I've adopted and I've become so much more aware of what actually goes into the food that I eat. Food is fuel, not comfort! Tonight's dinner not only filled me up but fueled my workout, whereas a little burrito wouldn't have satisfied for more than 30 minutes.


  • Mycophilia
    Mycophilia Posts: 1,225 Member
    The macros on the right actually only amount to 341 calories.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Whatever works...
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I love my comfort food and make it fit my calories
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Sometimes I'm the burrito, sometimes I'm the chicken and veggies. I just make sure it fits my overall goals. The chicken dish does sound delicious though.
  • bubaluboo
    bubaluboo Posts: 2,098 Member
    I'm a volume eater and really don't like to have all my calories wrapped up in a small mouthful of food so I'm with you on the chicken and salad. As a previous poster said though, "whatever works".
  • Erotyka
    Erotyka Posts: 82 Member
    I know that feeling! I am astonished when I look at some of the things I used to eat mindlessly, and it rather quickly helps me to understand why I became so markedly obese.

    Obviously, almost everyone can wriggle some 'comfort' food in to their nutritional needs if they so desire, but the sensation of like... mindlessly eating without having any concept of how much it is you're eating is reaaaal, and definitely jarring to look back at.

    I used to make vegan mac and cheese quite a lot. I think of myself as a human trash can, and I can slide enormous amounts of matter in to my body. The recipe itself isn't horrific, but the quantities I was consuming it in were outpacing my needs for the day really significantly.

    I ghosted it in to my planner in the quantities I would eat... 2700~ calories. I am 5'3 and sedentary - even at my biggest this was massively overdoing it. I would also have a snack and very likely some (lots) rum. Ghosted all that in - 5400~. More than double what I have ever needed according to my TDEE. I could happily eat that several times a week in days gone by, without so much as thinking about it.

    What was doubly ironic is that I would tell people I ate well and had no idea why I was putting on weight. Being honest with myself was not something I was good at back then!
  • RamboKitty87
    RamboKitty87 Posts: 272 Member
    I used to eat whatever and not think about it, I could easily eat 5 sugary jam doughnuts in a few minutes plus crisps (chips if your from the US) and other high carb, high fat foods, denial ain't even the word for what I was in but so glad I snapped out of it, I feel guilty for years and years of eating crap and doing no exercise glad I changed that... glad I changed I'm with the OP on this one also, I would rather eat a bigger meal with an average amount of calories than a tiny thing with around the same calories.... each to their own I guess but just makes more sense in my eyes :)