Picnic/Day-Tripping foods suitable for low kidney function?

On Saturday I'll be taking a day trip (no hiking or anything strenuous...there are no hills within 300 miles of where I live :'( ) to a somewhat remote island park where there will be no food outlets. I've been tasked with bringing the picnic lunch.

I don't "picnic", so already am not sure what will keep in a backpack on what's estimated to be an 80º day. To complicate matters, one of my traveling partners has essentially no kidney function (he is on dialysis) and I'd like to be able to pack something he can eat. I've asked him but he's doing the "guy thing" of saying, "make what you want, I'll eat it!" and I'm likewise doing the "girl thing" of seriously overthinking every ingredient that might pass his lips (I know he can't consume a lot of potassium).

I'm used to working within restricted diets (I'm a vegetarian living in the South, trust me, I know) but the one-two combo of picnic food plus this specific medical issue is honestly throwing me for a loop. I'm making French rolls and I can throw together some trail mix, but I'm at a loss for what else to put together. I'd like to have something more than snack-y stuff to offer. I'll pretty much have all day Friday to cook and that's seriously not a hardship for me...I'm the designated cook in our social circle and I love that task.

Any suggestions? Thank you all so much.
