Am i starting my diet properly?

Hi all,

Im trying to build a diet and exercise plan, looking at everything i get very confused by it all, so any help is appreciated, i'm 13.5 stone (down from 17) i'm 5ft11" and 27 years old.

My goal is fat loss, generally just to get leaner.

I'm currently doing 4 weight sessions a week (Monday - Chest & Triceps, Tuesday - Back & shoulders, Wednesday - Core, Thursday - Arms) I do a bit of legs too but they also get a lot from the running.

I'm also trying to run every morning monday-friday before work, not much just 25 mins of rolling hills on treadmill and building up.

Weekends can vary, but i will either go out cycling or swimming but this is not intense by any means, so more like rest days.

My question is how much should i be eating? I have set a 'diet' of about 2000 calories, about 200g protein, 150g carb and 40g fat, spread out across 3 main meals and two snacks (shakes or cottage cheese)

Is this good or bad, should i consume more on work days or can i maintain the same numbers throughout?

Thanks All


  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    If it were me, I would eat a little less protein and a little more fat, but that is a personal thing. I shoot for 1g of protein per pound of lean mass and .35g of fat per pound of body weight. That's my base and the rest can be anything I want, even more protein. Remember that you also need to rest, I lift four times per week, I stretch and rest the other days. As far as calories go, I would calculate my TDEE and subtract 250-500 calories per day and eat that every day, again personal preference. Just don't over think it, to lose fat eat less than you burn. For muscle retention, lift heavy and get adequate protein.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I agree about less protein in order to get more fat. :)