Need to lose weight and tone up in 8 weeks - HELP

Hi everyone this is my first post on here.

I am going to a wedding on 30 June and I really want to lose a few pounds (about half a stone) and just tone up so I am less wobbly. I have a 2 years old and after I had him I did the BodyCoach and lost all my baby weight and more but its so hard and expensive to stick to I find that now I am back at work I don't have time for all the prep and exercise needed to sustain that plan.

I am a size 12,I can be a 10 if I work really hard but its not my natural size so I don't want to push myself to be something I am not, I am happy as a 12 but I just want to be a toned one.

I do need to lose about half a stone to feel comfortable, especially off my belly but its more I want to feel and look fit. I have all the weights I bought when I did the BodyCoach at home so I can I use those again.

I just need motivation to start. I am doing a big food shop this weekend and I am going to plan food and exercise to start on Monday.

I just want to know if you have any tips for toning exercises, I thought maybe running? I do HIITS now (as per the bodycoach) but they don't seem to be doing much for me anymore! I work from home 2 days a week while my son is at nursery so I could go for a run on my lunch hour when at home and then maybe do weights 2 days a week? Do you think that would help? Also any tips on lunches for work - I am fine with brekki and tea but lunches are hard as I don't like salad, I have tried and tried and I just don't like it YAK so I am limited with no carbs when I don't like salad I think!

any advice or tips would be massively appreciated ready for me to start on Monday!!! HELP

Thanks Helen xx


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    edited April 2017
    For exercise, do something you enjoy.

    For weight loss, accurately & honestly log your food and track calories so you are eating at a deficit. You don't indicate your height and weight. When you set up your food plan here, did you put in a 1 pound per week weight loss goal? What calorie goal were you given? That should set you on the right path.

    For motivation, it is helpful for some people to put up pictures (on the fridge, as the background on your computer/phone) that remind you of what you are planning for. Such as a picture of you were you were a lesser weight, or in your situation maybe a picture of the wedding invitation with the day featured.

    For lunches: eat what you want. To help you keep to your calorie goal, aim for lean meats and veggies, and smaller amounts of starchy sides. Do you have a medical reason to avoid carbs? Salads are not a requirement for losing weight.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    "Toning" is such a vague term. Exercise is for health, food is for weight. I recommend using MyFitnessPal's calorie counting tool. Track what you normally eat for a few days, then look for places where you can reduce portions or choose lower calorie options. There's no reason to live off of salads.

    That said, with exercise, cardio does burn calories and give you the chance to eat a little more. Find something you enjoy. You don't have to spend $$$. I do a lot of dance videos from youtube.