Recently started desk job...



  • Mikeyiscool182
    Mikeyiscool182 Posts: 35 Member
    Office tip #1 Free food is never free. It taxes the gel out of your body
  • MrsSeager
    MrsSeager Posts: 82 Member
    I've been at my desk job for about a year now, the biggest challenge I have faced is the "grazing." I ended up gaining about ten pounds because of it, along with me and my coworkers getting take out for lunch a couple days a week. Now that I'm trying to lose weight and am tracking my calories, I found the easiest way to avoid grazing is to bring my own snacks and lunch. Instead of eating the snacks people bring in, or order out for lunch everyday I just eat what I have. I measure and weigh everything the night before, and log everything as I eat it throughout the day. I pack food or shakes that will stay within my calories and still allow for a nice dinner when I get home. If my coworkers order take out for lunch, I opt out but still sit and have my lunch with them. I work in a small office, 6 people, and have been pretty open about my weight loss goals, so they don't even really ask if I want take out or anything anymore, which is a nice way to avoid a compulsive decision to order out!
  • taylorschoenhofer
    taylorschoenhofer Posts: 1 Member
    I have been at my current desk job for a year now, and I'd have to say the most important thing to consider is making time to get up and move! Even if it's just to the restroom. I also get up for my 15min break and walk around outside. This helps me get my steps in, and really refresh my day.
  • alondrakayy
    alondrakayy Posts: 304 Member
    I have a desk job - I just make sure to eat the perfect amount of food and exercise at least 1.5hrs 3-5 times a week. Seems to be working for me even now when all I have left to lose is 10 pounds. People gain weight because of their own choices, not because of a job change. Good luck!
  • MarylandRose
    MarylandRose Posts: 239 Member
    I always have things I'd rather do after work, so my week looks like this:
    M/W/F: up at 4:40, class at gym at 5:30, at work by 7:30
    T/Th: "sleep in" to 6:30, at work by 7:30. Tues night class at gym at 8pm - my "me night" out of the workweek
    Sat: up at 6, gym class at 7 so that I can go have fun the rest of the day
    Sun: rest
    Now that it's nice outside (I do not do cold), I try to go for a walk in my neighborhood after work if it's not raining. I have a nice 25 minute route, with an alternate 45 minute loop for Sundays.
    I keep breakfast (wholesum bars from Wegmans) at my desk so that I never have to think about it in the morning, and I bring lunch (usually leftovers) whenever possible. Saves me money and makes it easy to eat well. We cook dinner probably 28 nights a month, which also helps. And even if my boyfriend picks a recipe that puts me over my calorie goal for the day, it is still much better than eating out.
    I did ok when it was just work that took up my time; I gained about 10 lbs when I got my MBA - turns out 2-3 nights a week in class after a full day at work for two years was just too much. I was eating worse and exercising less during that time because I had to keep up at work and in class, and people often brought in treats or fast food meals to share to get us all through 3 hour classes.
    I can't really get up and move during the workday - my work clocks our time to the minute so if I was up and down and in and out of the building a lot it would raise eyebrows -and red flags- so I do what I can to be active outside of the office...hence my early morning gym routine.
  • kidd_xdk
    kidd_xdk Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all for the advice. My last job was at a nursing home (im a nurse), And although I did a lot of running around, it wreaked havoc on my body because I constantly had to skip breaks and frequently worked 10+ hours. I also suffer from chronic fatigue and pain due to my chronic illness, so the combination meant I ate easy to make foods, and the meal skipping always equaled late night binges (I worked the pm shift).

    Once I get used to my new schedule and my illness is managed better I'll be able to go back to the low carb/low sodium diet I thrived on. I'm also gonna start moving more on my breaks. I just can't wait to get used to this so I can get back to managing my health.