after my 'click' moment, this is my workout set up. help?

so i after my 'click' moment i quit leisure substances all together and started to exercise. 30 min of fasted cardio/cycle everyday (260-300 kcal/heart rate consistent around 65-70%) and followed beginner lifting schedule 3 times a week. probably ate about 1200-1000 kcal a day without any macro check and lost 15 lbs within the first week.
i was so happy. but in the back of my mind i knew it was the initial bloated gunk weight and this rate could not be healthy. also my strength was noticably getting weaker.

after the first week, the loss rate slowed down and now losing about 1lb a week.

after doing more research, so far this is what i have decided to follow.

93 kg
average 75 min of workout
at least 6 times a week
moderate intensity
iifym/tdee calculation - need to take about 2100 kcal a day for 20% deficit

fixed myfitnesspal goal to
1900 kcal
50% protein
30% carb
20% fat

eat 3 times a day
1hr of cycling (500-600 kcal) during the rest days (no more fasted cardio)
30 min of cycling (250-300 kcal) + 1hr~ of weights x3
no carb after 6-7 pm

is this too much? did i mess up again?