Stomach photos from "Apple" shaped women (please show me it is possible)

BLawyered Posts: 32 Member
edited April 2017 in Motivation and Support
My stomach has always been my problem my entire life. I don't have hips or a butt just a great big stupid squishy stomach. It's the only thing I want gone and the only thing that refuses to budge. I've lost 40lbs, but my stomach is still the same size, just squisher. I started searching liposuction and tummy tuck photos and started crying. I dont want to do that. I'm willing to do whatever it takes but please, please someone show me that it can actually be done. I really need to see the success of someone with my stomach that worked it off. As detailed of before and after as possible. I feel so hopeless. If you don't want to post here, please message me and I would be happy to give you my email or # or whatever. I just need some hope it is actually doable.

Please no men or "pair" or "straight" women, it will just frustrate me further. Please, just any "apple" that has had a stomach from birth all the way through life absolutely plaguing their existence. I hope there is someone out there that can help me. Thanks.


  • BLawyered
    BLawyered Posts: 32 Member
    OMG Lady! You're my new hero!!! ♡♡♡

    There is hope! Thank you!
  • SophNewts
    SophNewts Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you ladies
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    SophNewts wrote: »
    Hi, I am 5''3, not sure of exact current weight (this is deliberate as I am trying to focus more on how I look rather than the scale) but maintain between 110 - 119 lbs (7st 12lbs - 8st 7lbs) and am a traditional apple shape. Whether my heaviest ever weight at 12st 4lbs or my lightest at 7st 10lbs (and nearly underweight), I have always carried more weight around my top half, particularly the stomach area (front, not the hips) but also boobs and arms.

    Unfortunately, I cannot (and nor can anyone else – it would be a lie) tell you that it is possible to change your body shape via diet and/or exercise. You are born the shape you are and prone to carry weight in key places – this is genetic and cannot be changed. What you can do is learn to love and appreciate the good bits. I personally spent a lot of my teenage years craving a longer body and flat stomach… never, ever going to happen. But I know girls who are pear shape who constantly compliment my long, slim legs. Most people don’t “have it all”.
    On a brighter note, you CAN have a flat-ish stomach through healthy eating and exercise – the lower your overall body fat % and weight; the slimmer you will be all over. You cannot target the stomach area via cardio exercise (which you need for weight loss) as your body will lose fat from all over, but you can combine cardio workouts with some toning exercises, for the stomach area leg lifts and sit ups are very good.

    I do not have a very good “before” photo as I avoided photos altogether, particularly anything of the stomach area but include a full body shot when I was around my heaviest. I have also included two photos of myself after weight loss in my maintenance period (last 3 – 4 years). One is from last summer (the more tanned one!) – I was in good shape as I always make a particular effort for summer and for a holiday. The other is from last week. As you can see, my stomach is not flat but it is certainly flatter than when I was overweight. I follow a low carb eating plan (aiming for 50g or less a day but anything under 100g is considered low carb) and wear a FitBit to track my activity and make sure that I always have a calorie deficit. Regularly exercise – any kind from walking (aiming for 10,000 steps a day), running and exercise bike to swimming. I love food and allow a cheat day once a week at the weekends. I drink and enjoy vodka as it has no carbs, although you do have to account for the calories.

    I hope this helps – feel free to add me and/or private message me if you’d like to connect and discuss further.




    Boom! nailed it :) hottie. :)