Where to start?

I am so overwhelmed with all the information on exercise. Do this? Don't Do this? Start with this? Lift Weights? Run? Yoga? OMG!!! Don't get me started with all the different types of routines to follow? Upper? Lower? Combined? Day's Off? Don't work this muscle two days in a row? Do This? Help!!!! Please if someone could give me a starting point; I would really appreciate it. I have a treadmill, excerise ball, stationary bike and tons of weights. My goal is to lose weight and too tone but I dont know where to start?


  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    Well, I'd start by figuring out how active you already are. Then, decide how you can improve on that. Are you already using the treadmill, ball, or weights? Which do you like most? If you have a pedometer, how many steps do you walk in a day?

    If you're a total newbie, I'd probably start with something like c25k (or any beginners walking/running program). Do that for a few weeks, whilst researching a lifting/strength routine ("you are your own gym" by mark Lauren, or any of the "new rules of lifting" by Lou schuler are good reads to give you an idea of options).
    If you read up on those programs, that should give you an idea of rest days (dont overdo the exercise, stop if you feel pain, rest if you need it) etc, and you'll be able to ask a more detailed question in future ;-)

    Anyhow, the best program to follow, is one you like doing. And it's worth taking the time to find it. As long as it doesn't turn into an exercise in procrastination.
  • Alpina483
    Alpina483 Posts: 246 Member
    For losing weight, what you eat is probably more important than how you train.
    Before you set your calorie limit in you profile, do some reading here on the forum topics. People just starting here, and that was my experience, too, often get an unrealistic calorie limit recommendation from the MFP system, around 1200 kcal or so. For most overweight people, it is not a good idea to eat at that level, especially if you do any kind of training.
    Sorry I do not have the links at hand, but if I was just starting, I'd start with figuring out my BMR and TDEE and a healthy caloric deficit. Search feature works here just fine. Hope this helps.
  • Dzlbrnr
    Dzlbrnr Posts: 4
    Thank you for the advise...much appreciated!!!