Good walking shoes...anyone?

I could use some good advice from anyone that know what kind of shoes I should buy. I have arthritis in my left food, had a terrible time with my achilles tendon several years back and now am having severe pain in the ball of my left foot. I notice both my feet tend to "lean" inward when I walk too. Having said all that, any recommendations on good walking shoes? I'm pretty sure they would need to have a wide toe area and a good arch support but know nothing beyond that. Thanks in advance for any help!



  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    I like Ryka - they are made for women's feet (larger toe box, smaller heel). They sell them lots of places but prices are good on Also try as they have great shoes for a variety of foot problems. Even if you don't buy them there - it's great for researching those you want to try on at the store. Good luck!
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Don't mess with the walking shoes. Get some running shoes with an arch that is comfortable and as small of a heal as you can find. The less you can make your heel hit first in a stride, the less shock you send up your leg. Walk barefoot and see the difference between a natural walk and what you get with shoes on. You will see that the ball of your foot hits first without shoes and your body uses the foot as a shock absorber.

    Brands vary greatly and you will need to try on a bunch of shoes to see what works best for you.
  • jbwegner
    jbwegner Posts: 254 Member
    I suggest going to a store that specializes in running/walking shoes where they can "custom" fit you. They'll measure your stride, assess your problems and help you find solutions. You won't be able to get the shoes cheap, but it will be worth it. I have an ankle and a knee issue, and once I got properly fitted for shoes, the issues significantly went away.
  • mrshwallace
    mrshwallace Posts: 7 Member
    Although I am not by any stretch of the imagination a runner, I did go to a running store and got assessed. I have arthritis in both of my knees and it was hurting to walk, stand for too long etc. I found heaven when I went into the running store. He suggested Saucony Omni, New Balance or Nike. The second I put on the Saucony's it felt like everything went into alignment and I was walking on clouds, then I tried the Nike and it just wasn't the same (and I've worn Nike for years), so I went with the Saucony. Now I feel great knees no longer ache, I don't get shin splints when I walk and now I feel like I wanna train to run a 5 or 10k with my friend who is an athlete! What a difference a good pair of shoes makes! :bigsmile:
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I suggest going to a store that specializes in running/walking shoes where they can "custom" fit you. They'll measure your stride, assess your problems and help you find solutions. You won't be able to get the shoes cheap, but it will be worth it. I have an ankle and a knee issue, and once I got properly fitted for shoes, the issues significantly went away.
