I need motivation!

35 year old mom here from Namibia. I know I need to get moving, I do... but I am just always so tired, and can't pick up myself to exercise. I want to look for a workout buddy to motivate each other, to check on each other, and get healthy together!


  • jessica1000mfp
    jessica1000mfp Posts: 13 Member
    I was there! I'm a mother of two and 37. I need change my body was looking worn down. Overweight. So I started working out a little bit, and then a bit more. Eventually ur body craves it and you want it so bad. Add me if u want a partner. I can help u with ideas as I also was a certified PT:) chin up!
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Once fitness and eating right becomes a habit, you won't need motivation. It will be a part of you.