Looking for Accountability Partner!

Hi Everyone!

I'm a 28 year old female with 70 pounds to loose. I'm looking for a motivated accountability partner to help me stay on track and likewise, I will do the same for you! I'd want someone that I could text, call, or email daily to record what we've done (or haven't :sweat: ) and motivate each other in reminding ourselves why we are doing this and how great it'll be when we do it together! We'd record our weights and send photos back and forth of our accomplishments.

I really need someone whose going to commit and be willing to tell it to me straight, as I will be doing the same to them! I'd like someone whose trying to loose at least 60 pds, but other than that can be anyone! Please private message me if you're interested in doing this with me. I think it'd be a great motivator for both of us!




  • taliasattler1
    taliasattler1 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Justine,

    I'm 38 with about 50 pounds to lose. Would love a straight-talking fitness friend!

  • Haggishare
    Haggishare Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Justine,
    I would love a commitment buddy