Making "two" dinners?



  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I really want to try to start eating healthier by substituting certain things out, ex. ground turkey over ground beef, spaghetti squash or zucchini over spaghetti noodles, greek yogurt on potatoes instead of sour cream, etc. My husband wants to eat healthier too, but won't even try the spaghetti substitution and says he doesn't like ground turkey at all. Some of the things, like the Greek yogurt, isn't such a huge deal because it's easy for my husband to still use sour cream, but other things aren't so easy unless I wanted to make 2 different kinds of spaghetti or 2 different meatloafs or 2 different whatever I use the ground turkey in. And I definitely don't have the time to be making 2 different dinners for us. Does anybody else have this problem with their significant other, and how do you guys handle it?

    Ground turkey has nothing over really lean ground beef (well, except maybe cost IMO) ...... look for "ground sirloin." Make your meatloaf with extra veggies....sneak in some shredded carrots, they don't change the flavor but bump up the fiber.

    Ground turkey can be hidden in many spicy foods .... tacos, chili, burittos .... no need to mention that it's ground turkey.

    Spaghetti squash with spaghetti sauce ..... I'm not a fan .... maybe you won't be a fan either. I do like whole wheat pasta though..... maybe that's a compromise he can live with.

    Thanks! I do use whole wheat pasta about 75% of the time and he's fine with that. He doesn't like ground turkey at all, I've tried it in a few different things. As for the hamburger, we get our hamburger from my dad. He's a cattle farmer, and butchers his own beef. Every time he butchers a cow, he gives us half of it. I have no idea what % fat it is, but it's free!

    Well, I wouldn't pass up free meat either. Reducing fat in browned ground beef..... place your browned beef in a colandar ......pour boiling water over it to rinse the fat off. Then put it back in the pan for your recipe. I've tried this .... it tastes fine. I can't remember how much the fat is reduced though .....quite a bit I imagine.
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    On occasion, deception is the best option. Sometimes, after I eat dinner and say that I enjoyed it, my wife will say that she made with it, say, ground armadillo. If it doesn't bother me too much, I shrug my shoulders. If it bothers me, I withhold sex.
  • Vivian06703188
    Vivian06703188 Posts: 310 Member
    There are things you can do to make it work out for both of you. Cook the spaghetti squash ahead of time and freeze it and put it in single serving zip lock bags. Then when you make the regular spaghetti noodles just drop the zip lock bag in the water with the other noodles to reheat. As far as turkey or chicken meat. If you buy a package of turkey or chicken and half it and do the same with the regular hamburger and mix it you will get the best of both worlds he won't know the difference and you get a lower calorie meat. If you think about things and you really want to do it you can come up with ways of doing it that he will like and you can both get along without cooking two meals. Or you can just say if you don't like it don't eat it but there are ways for both of you to get what you want.
  • Vivian06703188
    Vivian06703188 Posts: 310 Member
    To the guy that withholds sex when he doesn't like what his wife cooks. I had an ex-husband that did that for awhile. Notice I said ex-husband.
  • mustapekka
    mustapekka Posts: 59
    none of your husbands cook!? :O
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    These stories about men acting like 4 yr olds are kinda funny.
  • wisebuys
    wisebuys Posts: 51 Member
    I usually cook things my husband likes and only eat a little along with a BIG salad or smoothie. Sometimes, I will cook only things that I like and freeze into portions to have when my husband has something I'm not that fond of.