Working out after hernia surgery..?

verizonkelly4 Posts: 63 Member
I have been told that i have an uncommon type of hernia in my abdomin. Doctors are recomending surgery but it currently causes little to no pain or restrictions. Any one been through hernia surgery can offer advice? Have been able to get back into the guy and live an active life style after surgery?


  • dc8066
    dc8066 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Did you discuss it with your doctor?
  • verizonkelly4
    verizonkelly4 Posts: 63 Member
    Doctor says after 4-6weeks should have no limitations. However up to 30% of mesh based hernia repairs have some complications, like cronic pain, stiff abdomin, foreign body sensastion ect. As i origionally posted after having it for almost 2 years i really dont have any problems. But it MIGHT one day get worse so they are recomending the surgery
  • dc8066
    dc8066 Posts: 1,439 Member
    What are the risks if you don't do it, did they explain that too? Exercise-wise?
  • verizonkelly4
    verizonkelly4 Posts: 63 Member
    The risk is its possible a hernia can get worse, become painfull and in rare cases can even become an emergengy situation where intestine becomes strangulated.
  • verizonkelly4
    verizonkelly4 Posts: 63 Member
    But right now looking for those who have had hernia sugary. And how was their experience living an active lifestyle afterwords?
  • dc8066
    dc8066 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Well, if it helps you any, I've seen only people with complications after hernia surgery (at work and not too often). The majority of them very significantly overweight and not very active. A few women had complications with it r/t pregnancy and childbirth, but you look like a guy, so no worries about that part. Check the surgeon's reviews before you commit. If you decide to proceed with surgery, I hope it goes well for you.
  • Tweaking_Time
    Tweaking_Time Posts: 733 Member
    edited April 2017
    I messaged you OP.

    I have had 3 hernias and I am currently training for a Sprint-Triathlon. I will no longer lift heavy as I seem to have a predisposition to get hernias and I got them while I was very active and not overweight (the opposite of the post-above). Hernias can happen to anyone.

    Oh yeah - be sure to use a BOARD CERTIFIED surgeon.
  • dc8066
    dc8066 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I messaged you OP.

    I have had 3 hernias and I am currently training for a Sprint-Triathlon. I will no longer lift heavy as I seem to have a predisposition to get hernias and I got them while I was very active and not overweight (the opposite of the post-above). Hernias can happen to anyone.

    I never said that hernia happen to overweight and not very active people only. I usually deal with very sick people, and the ones who had some kind of complications after surgery. The OP is active, according to his post, and that helps tremendously in recovery and preventing complications