Advice Re protein powders

sashd77 Posts: 20 Member
I wondered if anyone could shed any light around advice of protein powders. I have been working hard at the gym for around 6 moths now spinning and HITT training but haven't seen any results in the scales or tape measure. My diet is ok but my osteopath suggested trying protein powders to see if they would help, I do get hungry between meals and also for body repair. What's people's thoughts? Thx.


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    edited April 2017
    How much protein do you get from food each day? Protein is important, but the source isn't necessarily - a protein powder can be good for those who can't get enough through their normal diet. I personally prefer eating over drinking, so choose food sources more often than not.

    Not seeing results is likely from not being in a deficit - how are you determining your calorie intake? There is nothing wrong with feeling hungry between meals, but experimenting with changes to your macro breakdown, or meal timing or food choices can lessen that a little.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    How much protein do you get from food each day? Protein is important, but the source isn't necessarily - a protein powder can be good for those who can't get enough through their normal diet. I personally prefer eating over drinking, so choose food sources more often than not.

    Not seeing results is likely from not being in a deficit - how are you determining your calorie intake? There is nothing wrong with feeling hungry between meals, but experimenting with changes to your macro breakdown, or meal timing or food choices can lessen that a little.

    I agree.protein powders arent going to help you lose weight. I use them just to supplement my protein intake as I dont get enough most days through food alone. it hasnt helped me to lose anymore weight. like living said,no results means not being in a deficit