Looking for UK mums!

Lauramumto4 Posts: 21 Member
I have 4 children. All home with me everyday, all day! My oldest is 9, youngest is 2. I am 36. Living in Hertfordshire. Just looking for mums that can relate to me, the struggles of being a stay at home mum. Please add me!


  • mamma_adventure
    mamma_adventure Posts: 235 Member
    I'm in Scotland. 36 mum of 3 toddlers (3yo boy and 2yo twin girls). I work part-time for my sanity :p I've got around 30lbs to lose. At the moment I'm trying to fit in walking when everyone goes to bed!
    My diary is open, feel free to add me :)
  • archyw
    archyw Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I am a full time mum trying to lose about the same amount of weight...add me
  • faux_scots_lass
    faux_scots_lass Posts: 58 Member
    Hi, I'm a mum to one - he's about to turn 8 - and live in Scotland :smile: I home school my boy so I'm also a stay at home mum!
  • FlippingFins
    FlippingFins Posts: 20 Member
    Mum of a 2 year old. She's been with me constantly since she was born, and I've always worked after she goes to bed, so I've had no time to focus on myself, really.

    I now take her swimming three times a week, which is helping, and from September she'll be at nursery three mornings a week so I'm deciding how best to use them (currently, mental wellbeing is being prioritised over physical wellbeing for those mornings, but it's all linked anyway!).
  • clairele84
    clairele84 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 33 from Southampton and mummy to a 16 month old son. I work 3 days a week but we gave lots of walks and fun when I'm not at work.

    I've started running but can't get to the gym at the moment. My son wants constant attention, but he's a happy, content little boy. Feel free to add me
  • gill22772
    gill22772 Posts: 2 Member
    Stay at home mum here too 6 kids from 19 to 6, decided now im 40 its well overdue i loose some weight