C25k - skipping weeks

On Saturday I started C25k and did W1D1. Today I accidentally did W2D1 rather than W1D2.

I know it's important to build gradually so should I go back to W1D2 or keep going from W2D2?


  • naomillion
    naomillion Posts: 351 Member
    I am no running expert, since I also just started the c25k four weeks ago, but how did it go? Did you feel like the 2nd week felt too hard or overwhelming? If not, then maybe skipping some days (especially from the first week) is no big deal. Your body might not be starting from scratch, so you could easily go ahead with week 2... My suggestion: listen to your body :wink: And all the best for the following running days!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    if you found W2D2 easy enough then i would just carry on from there. if it was a struggle, go back to W1D2 next time.
  • heiliskrimsli
    heiliskrimsli Posts: 735 Member
    If W2D2 was challenging but not overly hard, stay there. If it was super hard and you found yourself in pain, then go back and do week 1. Building up should be a challenge, but it shouldn't leave you in pain or so winded your sides hurt.

    How did you feel during and after it?
  • GrumpyHeadmistress
    GrumpyHeadmistress Posts: 666 Member
    Thanks all.

    I felt fine and only noticed later on that I'd run for longer than I expected. I think I'll stick with W2.