why do ppl do low carb for weight loss?



  • Mistizoom
    Mistizoom Posts: 578 Member
    You lose a lot of weight to begin with, though it's not fat.

    My brother lost 98lbs in 7 months; I can assure you it wasn't all water :laugh:

    But there is something besides fat and water that can be lost -- muscle. I've read a lot of debate on the subject, but the argument goes that if a person does extreme low carb, but doesn't eat high protein and couple it with weight lifting, it is likely that they are losing a great deal of muscle weight instead of fat during a low carb diet. I've never done low carb, so I have no personal experience to draw from. Just saying that this is one of the never-ending arguments about low carb all over the internet.


    I agree with you that one needs to eat sufficient protein to maintain lean body mass while eating a low carb diet. I eat 75-100 g/day. However, as long as the dietary intake of protein is sufficient, studies have shown that ketogenic diets help maintain lean body mass better than high carb/low fat weight-loss diets. Reference: "The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living" by Drs. Steve Phinney and Jeff Volek.
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member

    Carbohydrates are an empty, nutrient-void food. The moment our bodies absorb them they are pure sugar.
    WHY are we recommended to eat so much of the stuff?
    Low carb WORKS, both for weight loss *and* health. Full stop.

    Try doing any sort of endurance exercise without carbs. You wont last long. For those of us who are active, carbs are NOT 'empty'
    I went low carb for 3 days and felt like *kitten* when I tried to work out. Never again.

    Well let's see. No energy? I am 58, I raise a 6 year old grandson. I am diabetic, hypothyroid.

    I normally go to bed at Midnight.

    Monday, up at 6:45; Gym: 90 minutes included elliptical(20min), free weights, and weight machines.
    Tuesday up at 5:45; Gym: 25 minutes on elliptical; 45 minutes swimming laps nonstop
    Today, up at 6:45, Drove 220 miles. Straight to gym: 15 minutes on elliptical, 65 minutes on weights.

    I eat 20 net carbs/day (since March). I don't eat grains. I dropped my cholestrol 40 points to a healthy 162 in 4 months.
    I eat high fat 60-70%. I eat lots of green veges and sometimes blueberries. I am not hungry all day. I eat when I am. I am losing weight. My blood sugars are amazing as is my blood pressure.

    No energy problem here. I used to sleep 12 hours/day and always feel tired. Dropped the carbs and changed the heck out of that sluggishness. This is a lifestyle for me. When I get my last 30 pounds off, I will slowly add back some carbs. They will be sweet potatoes, tomatoes, berries, melons, apples. They will NOT be grains other than quinoa occasionally. I don't need bread. I make my own low carb bread, muffins, pancakes out of nut flours and ground flax. I eat eggs, avocado, turkey, chicken, fish, occasional beef/pork, healthy oils, moderate nuts/cheese/sour cream/mayo. I don't eat bacon unless it is turkey bacon. I have the healthy oils and butter.

    I don't feel tired, sluggish, irritable, hungry, or deprived. I am happier eating this way than on any other plan. My doctor is pleased. THIS works for me.
  • charseekingchar
    I can speak from personal experience that low carbs just isn't a great idea. Sure, you'll lose weight initially. It's really something you gotta do forever in order to be effective. Once you get back to eating carbs, you'll gain the weight back you lost. Low carbs for me just meant no energy and LESS options. (my fault trying to do low carb as a vegetarian: not the easiest..)

    everyone is different though.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,632 Member
    but a lot of people dont eat low carb and arent overweight?
    so then why would carbs make some humans fat but not all of them?
    just had this thought today at work
    corworker is doing a low carb diet to lose weight
    and there i was shoveling rice in my mouth and just shrugging. works for me.

    It's not the carbs that make the person overweight, rather than an over-abundance of the things.

    Personally, if I eat a food that is high in carbs, I just crave more and if I am on a low ebb or my willpower is a bit on the fragile side, then I will just give in and eat more, before I know it, I am over my daily calorie amount, THEN I will most likely decide "oh well, I am over now anyway, I'll have another cake" on and on it goes. It would be okay if I stopped at just the one little cake, but I don't.

    Many people do not have such a thing happen and control their carb intake, I have just learned that I do not tend to have much control in that area so I steer clear.

    I guess this is where the quote "know thyself" comes in eh :)
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member

    Carbohydrates are an empty, nutrient-void food. The moment our bodies absorb them they are pure sugar.
    WHY are we recommended to eat so much of the stuff?
    Low carb WORKS, both for weight loss *and* health. Full stop.

    Try doing any sort of endurance exercise without carbs. You wont last long. For those of us who are active, carbs are NOT 'empty'
    I went low carb for 3 days and felt like *kitten* when I tried to work out. Never again.

    Well let's see. No energy? I am 58, I raise a 6 year old grandson. I am diabetic, hypothyroid.

    I normally go to bed at Midnight.

    Monday, up at 6:45; Gym: 90 minutes included elliptical(20min), free weights, and weight machines.
    Tuesday up at 5:45; Gym: 25 minutes on elliptical; 45 minutes swimming laps nonstop
    Today, up at 6:45, Drove 220 miles. Straight to gym: 15 minutes on elliptical, 65 minutes on weights.

    I eat 20 net carbs/day (since March). I don't eat grains. I dropped my cholestrol 40 points to a healthy 162 in 4 months.
    I eat high fat 60-70%. I eat lots of green veges and sometimes blueberries. I am not hungry all day. I eat when I am. I am losing weight. My blood sugars are amazing as is my blood pressure.

    No energy problem here. I used to sleep 12 hours/day and always feel tired. Dropped the carbs and changed the heck out of that sluggishness. This is a lifestyle for me. When I get my last 30 pounds off, I will slowly add back some carbs. They will be sweet potatoes, tomatoes, berries, melons, apples. They will NOT be grains other than quinoa occasionally. I don't need bread. I make my own low carb bread, muffins, pancakes out of nut flours and ground flax. I eat eggs, avocado, turkey, chicken, fish, occasional beef/pork, healthy oils, moderate nuts/cheese/sour cream/mayo. I don't eat bacon unless it is turkey bacon. I have the healthy oils and butter.

    I don't feel tired, sluggish, irritable, hungry, or deprived. I am happier eating this way than on any other plan. My doctor is pleased. THIS works for me.

    Wow, whole three days he did low carb, huh? What a trooper. Totally enough time to find out if it actually works.
  • KyliAnne26
    KyliAnne26 Posts: 209 Member
    Low Carbers get laid way more often

    Exactly. ^ This. lol
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    You lose a lot of weight to begin with, though it's not fat.

    My brother lost 98lbs in 7 months; I can assure you it wasn't all water :laugh:
    No, it was a calorie deficit.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    Not sure. Wondered this myself. I love carbs. All of them. Plus, when I tried out Atkins (back-in-the-day) I was so lethargic and yucky feeling that I couldn't stick to it for long. I find it easier to watch my caloric intake and be active. It works better for me!

    This is a well known phenomenon known as "carb flu" or "induction flu". While your body is becoming fat-adapted you may not feel as good for a week or two, but if you stick it out you will feel a-m-a-z-i-n-g after that. Also for those doing induction you need to make sure to eat plenty of sodium (3-5 g/day), that will help prevent a lot of the yucky feelings. A couple of cups of salty broth added to your food intake would have done wonders.

    Most of my adult life I've tried to avoid salt because I retain water SO easily. eat out gain 10 pounds by morning. no kidding. but I've been trying to make a point of adding reduced sodium salt to stuff for the potassium and iodine.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    but a lot of people dont eat low carb and arent overweight?
    so then why would carbs make some humans fat but not all of them?
    just had this thought today at work
    corworker is doing a low carb diet to lose weight
    and there i was shoveling rice in my mouth and just shrugging. works for me.

    It's not the carbs that make the person overweight, rather than an over-abundance of the things.

    Personally, if I eat a food that is high in carbs, I just crave more and if I am on a low ebb or my willpower is a bit on the fragile side, then I will just give in and eat more, before I know it, I am over my daily calorie amount, THEN I will most likely decide "oh well, I am over now anyway, I'll have another cake" on and on it goes. It would be okay if I stopped at just the one little cake, but I don't.

    Many people do not have such a thing happen and control their carb intake, I have just learned that I do not tend to have much control in that area so I steer clear.

    I guess this is where the quote "know thyself" comes in eh :)

    I'm able to stop myself. (Except with potato chips) I counted the calories I was eating on average before the diet. it was 1800-2000 on average sometimes lower sometimes higher depending on teh occasion but in general I'd say in that range somewhere. But I don't think my normal metabolism is able to handle that many calories and I just was gaining weight eating that much food a day. With carbs that's about where meals end up with a few reasonable meals a day and a snack. with low carb those meals go a lot further and I am not hungry. (part of it is the appetite curbing effect at play)

    So basically with carbs.. I am hungry all the time if I try to eat 1200 calories. but not so with low carb high protein. Given my lower metabolism I am going to have to have a modified diet like this probably forever if I want to stay at maintenance once I get there. because if i go back to eating a full carb diet I'll be right back where I started.
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    WTG, Steffiejoe, congrats!
    Low carb suits me for the same reasons, and it annoys me that it's *still* seen as a "fad" diet. I also eat more veggies than I ever did before when every calorie counted & I had to choose.
    Two members of my family are type 2 diabetes - I suggested low carb to them, gave them a cookery day at my house where we cooked up lots of yummy low carb things, and within 6 weeks these 2 people had stabilised their blood sugars and were able to ditch some medication.
    One of them was my Mom....she also lost 2st, and a nurse told her "I have to say this in strictest confidence, but you are doing the right thing". You see, a low carb diet isn't endorsed yet, even though the results are clear.
    Carbohydrates are an empty, nutrient-void food. The moment our bodies absorb them they are pure sugar.
    WHY are we recommended to eat so much of the stuff?
    Low carb WORKS, both for weight loss *and* health. Full stop.

    Carbohydrates are not nutrient-void food. I understand that some people choose lower carb diets for a variety of reasons, but that's no reason to spread misinformation. Carbohydrates are a vital energy source (which is why even very low carbers still don't eat 0 carbs) and has important roles in the breakdown of fat, regulation of blood glucose, and protecting muscle tissue, among other things. http://www.sparknotes.com/health/carbohydrates/section2.rhtml

    very low carbers still eat some carbs because in practical terms it is impossible to eat a truly 0 carb diet. Most people will still want to eat vegetables and some fruits because they have important micronutrients and fibre, and there are still small amounts of carbs in nuts and other foods.

    Also I think this is why atkins kinds works but doesn't. It even restricts your intake of plants which seems a bit dumb. I think most low carbers now still eat plenty of veg.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    I can only speak from personal experience, obviously everyone is different. I am following a low carb lifestyle, because it is the only way I am able to control my caloric intake. When I consume carbs such as bread, sugar, starchy vegetables, and junk food, I always overeat. When I remove those items from my diet, I am able to stick to a 1200 to 1500 calorie diet filled with healthy foods, not junk. It works for me. It's still all about the calories.

    You do know there's other carbs, much healthier carbs, than junk food right? :p
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    I can speak from personal experience that low carbs just isn't a great idea. Sure, you'll lose weight initially. It's really something you gotta do forever in order to be effective. Once you get back to eating carbs, you'll gain the weight back you lost. Low carbs for me just meant no energy and LESS options. (my fault trying to do low carb as a vegetarian: not the easiest..)

    everyone is different though.

    LMAO, naw.. If you tried to do it as a vegetarian I am pretty sure everyone would have the same results. you need protein with this diet and it's very hard to get protein without meat OR carbs. like darned near impossible. that would be very very very unhealthy to do. you pretty much have to eat meat to do a proper low carb (healthy) diet that will always work. I remember trying to do it without meats when i was vegetarian and I ended up living on egg whites and you can only do that for so long.
  • mushroomsontoast
    mushroomsontoast Posts: 118 Member
    no, it wasn't muscle he lost or anything valuable - it was simple plain ol' fat :smile:

    I don't understand all the scaremongering re low carb diets? There are plenty of happy, healthy & fit long-term low-carbers walking about who aren't quite knocking on death's door simply because they cut flour, pasta, rice, sugar, potatoes and the like from their diets :laugh:
  • mushroomsontoast
    mushroomsontoast Posts: 118 Member
    You lose a lot of weight to begin with, though it's not fat.

    My brother lost 98lbs in 7 months; I can assure you it wasn't all water :laugh:
    No, it was a calorie deficit.

    erm....no :laugh: His breakfast alone was bacon, eggs, frankfurters & mushrooms *every* day - always fried.
    His coffees (several a day) were made with thick cream.
    He ate lots of butter, cheese and full-fat mayo.

    He lost the weight purely and simply because he cut the carbs to <20 a day and upped his protein & fats.

    You can't knock something you haven't tried, just because it sounds too good to be true. It DOES work, as anyone who has done it (properly) knows :smile:
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    erm....no :laugh: His breakfast alone was bacon, eggs, frankfurters & mushrooms *every* day - always fried.
    His coffees (several a day) were made with thick cream.
    He ate lots of butter, cheese and full-fat mayo.

    He lost the weight purely and simply because he cut the carbs to <20 a day and upped his protein & fats.

    You can't knock something you haven't tried, just because it sounds too good to be true. It DOES work, as anyone who has done it (properly) knows :smile:

    You brother was doing a Ketogenic Diet. Very low Carbs, Moderate proteins, High Fats.

    People who don't know how this diet works, or ever been on wouldn't understand. Not all diets will work for one person. They have to find what works best for them. If you and your brother are happy with the results then I see nothing wrong. I applaud him myself tbh.

    I do a variation of Ketogenic Dieting called "Cyclical Ketogenic Dieting." For me It's where I include a weekly/bi-weekly 24 hr 1000g+ Carb refeed period. This is to help maintain my muscle strength in the gym since I lift heavy often and

    When I first started the ketogenic diet I had 10.2% body fat. 3 Months later I was 5.7% body fat. I do my carb refeed period to keep my BF% in check from getting too low. I feel a lot better using fat sources as energy instead of carbs. More alert & awake. Lifts are going up up, best shape of my life. Low carb dieting is a lifestyle change.

    Also, one cannot just come off a low carb diet over night. This is where most people fail at because most will go back to regular eating/binge on food. Carbs have to be "SLOWLY" added back in over weeks. Like adding 10~20 Carbs a week to carb count. Or personally I'd recommend a Carb cycling diet, but with only 1 High carb day.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    You lose a lot of weight to begin with, though it's not fat.

    My brother lost 98lbs in 7 months; I can assure you it wasn't all water :laugh:
    No, it was a calorie deficit.

    erm....no :laugh: His breakfast alone was bacon, eggs, frankfurters & mushrooms *every* day - always fried.
    His coffees (several a day) were made with thick cream.
    He ate lots of butter, cheese and full-fat mayo.

    He lost the weight purely and simply because he cut the carbs to <20 a day and upped his protein & fats.

    You can't knock something you haven't tried, just because it sounds too good to be true. It DOES work, as anyone who has done it (properly) knows :smile:
    And his height, weight and intake were what exactly?
  • mushroomsontoast
    mushroomsontoast Posts: 118 Member
    He is 6ft and was 20st+, he went right down to 13st 5.
    His intake was <20 carbs per day, he never counted calories, never needed to - but the calorie count would've been very high since the bulk of his diet was fat and protein.
    Same for myself and others who have lost weight on low carb.
    I'll put a typical day's menu of his into the diary here and check the calorie count, just out of interest :smile:
  • wamydia
    wamydia Posts: 259 Member
    You lose a lot of weight to begin with, though it's not fat.

    My brother lost 98lbs in 7 months; I can assure you it wasn't all water :laugh:

    But there is something besides fat and water that can be lost -- muscle. I've read a lot of debate on the subject, but the argument goes that if a person does extreme low carb, but doesn't eat high protein and couple it with weight lifting, it is likely that they are losing a great deal of muscle weight instead of fat during a low carb diet. I've never done low carb, so I have no personal experience to draw from. Just saying that this is one of the never-ending arguments about low carb all over the internet.


    I agree with you that one needs to eat sufficient protein to maintain lean body mass while eating a low carb diet. I eat 75-100 g/day. However, as long as the dietary intake of protein is sufficient, studies have shown that ketogenic diets help maintain lean body mass better than high carb/low fat weight-loss diets. Reference: "The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living" by Drs. Steve Phinney and Jeff Volek.

    This is why I made a point of saying that this is an ongoing argument. There are two sides to it. I think the concern some people have with low carb diets is that a lot of people don't take the time to fully research and understand the diet they are undertaking. So a person who is doing low carb with insufficient protein intake and is excited that they are losing weight may not realize that they are actually losing muscle instead of fat.

    I also have concerns about other health impacts of long-term ketogenic diets (which I'm given to understand is actually less than 30g of carbs per day. Less than 100g is low carb, but I don't think it's enough to put you into ketosis). Even experts who use the diet to treat things like epilepsy admit that there can be side effects such as kidney stones, raised cholesterol, and acidosis when an extreme low carb diet is carried on for the long term.

  • deedzzz
    deedzzz Posts: 220 Member

    I still end up with something like 100g of carbs a day, but also like 60+g of fiber, so I don't get the sugar rushes, and don't feel hungry and it's easy to for me to maintain.

    FYI, sugar rush is a myth... it doesn't exist
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    My experience eating low carb is that my calories are pretty low even though it seems like they would be high. I lose weight eating low carb because I have more energy and move more through out the day and eat less -- even though I'm always full and the foods I eat are indulgent and there's nothing diet about them I'm still eating at a deficit.