Nutritionist advice?



  • nichell88
    nichell88 Posts: 364 Member
    You sound prepared. I've been seeing an RD every two weeks since last June and she has helped me all the way. Helps me stay accountable. I'm moving into maintenance myself with a new RD and I'll be seeing her tomorrow and like you I've got my food journal for the last 30 days ready and my exercise log. She said we will be playing around with numbers until we find the right balance so I can maintain weight and hopefully tone up some more. I look forward to weighing in and seeing my body fat % go down. Good luck!

    Thank you! It's reassuring to have that reference
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I went to one twice. I had a huge list of things to ask about and didn't get thru most of it. Let them review your diary and make suggestions on how to round out your diet. For me, she suggested more whole grains. You honestly won't learn anything that you've not already read in MFP, but it's nice to have someone to talk to when you're fiends and family can't take one more conversation on macros (or whatever).
  • lbaxandall
    lbaxandall Posts: 62 Member
    I'm not currently practicing but I was doing holistic nutrition for a while, and I would recommend a nutritionist (obviously lol). If they're certified and insured, they have a good education. It sounds like you have tons of good questions! Same as people said, you could sit on Google and find the answers to your questions but she'll help you decide what is smut and what has some merit, specifically for you and your goals. Just remember, it only works as much as you do! She can help you and make recommendations, but it's up to you to put it into practice! Good luck!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,160 Member
    I just was told my fasting blood sugar was 154 which indicates diabetes. I am reducing carbs and sugars. My weight was 129. After 4 days, my weight has dropped to 127. I need a professional to help me with my diet because I don't want to lose any more weight. I need to add calories without adding carbs and sugar. I am trying to correct my blood sugar on my own. So that I can avoid taking medication. Any ideas !!!

    When I cut out added sugar and all types of all grains I added about six tablespoons of coconut oil daily. Best of success.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,298 Member
    To those who say Nutritionists are less qualified than Dietitians. I use one who is BANT registered and she is able to help me with a wider spectrum of supplements, supported by testing, than I would be able to have through a dietitian. Its according to the kind of "support" one needs. Mine has given me ways to overcome my thyroid problems when my doctor, in our medical system, was not permitted to offer more than t4, she was able to go into the minutia of the condition, the need for certain minerals, appropriate vitamins and other things to enable t4 to t3 conversion.