Guys pls help i m not loosing weight



  • DamieBird
    DamieBird Posts: 651 Member
    oh, ok!! I was looking at the bottom of the calculator...I see it now. So I should be taking in 1500 calories per day? Also, is weighing better unit of calorie determination than using a measuring cup?

    ~1500 is what you burn, when you do nothing but exist - what your organs and bodily functions need to survive. You should actually consume more than that. To get your deficit, decide how much you want to lose and subtract that from your overall TDEE (2137 in your case, assuming completely sedentary). If you're more active, it's higher. To lose 1 pound a week, subtract 500 from your TDEE to give you 1637 - that's your goal. to lose 1.5 pounds/wk, subtract 750, giving you 1387. Those numbers will both be higher if you exercise or are otherwise active day to day.

    After logging (weighing on a food scale and measuring) for at least a month, you can compare you actual calories consumed vs. weight lost and find out what YOUR true TDEE is. If you've been logging correctly and losing faster than expected, you've estimated your TDEE too low. If you're losing more slowly than expected, you've estimated your TDEE to be too high.