Obsessed with weighing myself



  • vivelajackie
    vivelajackie Posts: 321 Member
    There's nothing wrong with weighing daily... If you're not going to get hung up on the perfectly normal fluctuations any person goes through. Take my past week and a half. I was at 293. The next day it was up 2lbs. Stayed at 295 and even fluctuated to 297. This morning I stepped on the scale and was at 289. So, there was a downward trend after fluctuation.

    Let's not even get into TOM water retention...

    I sometimes weigh at the end of the day just because of morbid curiosity. I know I won't be down from what I weighed in the morning, but it's neat to see how food and water temporarily change the scale. If you're bordering on obsession though, the behavior needs to be reeled in to the best of your ability. What I would suggest is also taking measurements. There are times you will lose inches without the numbers on a silly scale moving. Just be accurate with logging and results will happen.
  • Duchy82
    Duchy82 Posts: 560 Member
    Weighing once a day is fine weighing more often than that won't tell you anything meaningful. If you can't help yourself either remove the batteries and put them in a different room that way you haven't got the easy access to the scale you have now. Or put the scales in a different room so you have to purposefully bring them out to weigh yourself. Or as others have suggested get someone like a partner or room mate to hide them and only bring them out a set day of the week.

    Better to break the habit sooner rather than later.
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    I'm a daily weigher--for me, it works well. It gives me daily data which helps me see how my weight responds to my diet and activity. I weigh every morning, after I use the restroom, before I eat or drink anything. This way I know that I'm getting a consistent reading with minimal variables.

    It also keeps me from placing too much importance on the number on the scale. When I was weighing once a week, I found that I was getting really upset if the number wasn't what I wanted. Now I know there will be ups and downs, and any one weigh-in doesn't really mean much in the scheme of things.

    However, I don't see any benefit in weighing more than once a day. After you start eating and drinking, wearing clothes, being active, there are any number of things that effect weight. These readings are meaningless.

    Try to weigh exactly once per day under controlled circumstances. If you can't do it, or find you're still obsessing over it, it might be time to go to once per week.
  • jwcsanders
    jwcsanders Posts: 50 Member
    I know it's not good to weigh myself everyday. Even with knowing that I still do. I will weigh myself 10 times a day. Every time I'm near my scale I will weigh. I get discouraged when it goes up, knowing it's going to at 8pm. I just don't know how to stop. I don't want to be obsessed with the number on the scale. Any tips? Anyone else do this?

    I put mine up for the whole month of May. Because I am the exact same way. I weighed myself on the 2nd and WILL NOT take it back out from its hiding place until June 1st.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    Sloth2016 wrote: »
    Pity the poor weight scale. Forced to live on the floor and be stepped on by people...

    And it's no wonder, because all the weight scale can tell you is - wait for it - your relationship with earth's gravity at that moment in time. Yes it's true. Move to the moon or Saturn and your numbers would be completely different. It cannot tell you whether you've been bad or good, naughty or nice. It cannot tell you your percentage body fat or other composition. It cannot tell you whether you are healthy or not. Republican or Democrat or Whig.

    It's just a weight scale.

    So, step on it if you want to. Daily if you'd like - it won't hurt you - but remember, where you are in life and how you are doing healthwise, require more subtle means to discern.
  • Glasscandle
    Glasscandle Posts: 134 Member
    Weighing once a day in the morning works for me (I like data). The mental leap is not getting freaked out about random increases but keep looking at the trend (the averaging apps help a lot). I have 7-10 days with no loss and maybe 1-2 lbs up and back to what it was before and then, not doing anything different, it drops to a new plateau. Watching this happen again and again makes you not so traumatized by the fluctuations. For me, it helps keeping big picture in mind and being persistent in CI<CO.
  • Susan2BHealthier
    Susan2BHealthier Posts: 130 Member
    Shame gets real deep, real fast. Self-loathing and blaming yourself for your weight affects more than just your progress — it also erodes your feeling of self-worth and your dignity. Shame isn’t a motivator. If stepping onto the scale makes you have negative thoughts about yourself, it’s a sign you need to ditch it. The number on it doesn’t say anything about your worth or value — it’s just a number, literally.

  • MaddMaestro
    MaddMaestro Posts: 405 Member
    I weight myself after I wake up and before I go to bed. Honestly, weighing yourself several times a day literally doesn't do anything.
  • TsamIam
    TsamIam Posts: 34 Member
    An app that tracks the trend of your weight helps a lot. Someone mentioned one above, but TrendWeight is another site. I weigh once a day in the morning when I first wake up. I figure more than that I'm just going to end up weighing the difference in my clothes, water weight, or poop my body has made throughout the day haha.
  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    I don't have a scale at home. I only weigh in when I go to the gym.
    I hope you get a better outlook on the entire thing. Maybe you shouldn't weigh in at all, from the sound of it. Take measurements once or twice a month, instead.
  • WeightLoss3809
    WeightLoss3809 Posts: 7 Member
    You should only weigh yourself in the morning, and you can do that every day, if you weigh yourself at night you will weigh more than you did in the morning, your real correct weight is after you have waken up with no fluids or food for that extended time. I use to also weigh myself constantly till after I learned the correct way.