
I have been conflicted with the idea of calorie counting. I don't want to become obsessed or fall into the diet industry's trap. I do need to lose weight just to feel better. But I have an issue with calorie counting. It feels a little bit like it's leaning toward an eating disorder.


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    edited May 2017
    How about the no "s" diet? No snacks, no sweets, no seconds except on Saturdays and Sundays.
  • CWynne3
    CWynne3 Posts: 116 Member
    You know yourself best and I think if you have a general tendency to obsess and go overboard with it, then it probably isn't right for you. I really like the poster that mentioned the "no s" diet. That's really cool! But you could also just measure your portions without counting calories. If a healthy serving size is a cup of something, measure a cup and be done with it. No need to worry about keeping track of the numbers. Just make sure you're eating healthy portions. :)
  • justinhowardedcc
    justinhowardedcc Posts: 4 Member
    I agree with you for the most part, however if you have a goal of losing weight, counting calories makes your goal more easily obtainable. I like to eat, and when I want to eat but will exceed my daily calorie goal for the day, I just pull out my little stationary bike or go on a run around the neighborhood for 10-20 minutes and I am back on track.
  • Rockitdumbo
    Rockitdumbo Posts: 8 Member
    The no s diet idea is great. I found the 80/20 diet is good too.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    CWynne3 wrote: »
    You know yourself best and I think if you have a general tendency to obsess and go overboard with it, then it probably isn't right for you. I really like the poster that mentioned the "no s" diet. That's really cool! But you could also just measure your portions without counting calories. If a healthy serving size is a cup of something, measure a cup and be done with it. No need to worry about keeping track of the numbers. Just make sure you're eating healthy portions. :)

    I agree with this, calorie counting can be an awesome tool, or a complete disaster depending on the person. You know you best, so make a good decision for yourself.

    I personally have found it to be very educational, it has changed the way I see "eating healthy" and helped me figure out what works for me so I could know tips and tricks that will carry on even when I stop counting. I don't plan to log forever, and I have taken breaks from logging without freaking out or worrying about it. I just monitor my weight and if I am seeing a gain go back for a while to get back on track. But, I am also a person who always wants to eat as much as I can (I just love food, hence how I got here), I have never had a tendency towards trying to eat a little as possible, and in general I am a pretty "chill" person. If you think it will consume your life or you may start playing the "how low can I go" game then I would absolutely not advise you do it.
  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member
    I have been conflicted with the idea of calorie counting. I don't want to become obsessed or fall into the diet industry's trap. I do need to lose weight just to feel better. But I have an issue with calorie counting. It feels a little bit like it's leaning toward an eating disorder.

    Many of us already have an eating's called "over-eating". ;) Just another way to look at it.
  • LovesDogsAndBooks
    LovesDogsAndBooks Posts: 190 Member
    I avoided counting calories for many, many years, and tried to lose weight by exercising and eating "healthy". I lost a little weight temporarily, but it came back. Now I've been calorie counting, eating at a deficit and exercising on this site for about 6 weeks, and I can tell you the calorie logging is an eye opener! You think you have a general idea of which are the calorie rich foods, but unless you see the numbers add up, you don't realize how much you eat. I way underestimated my calorie intake and overestimated my burn from exercises. Try it for a couple of weeks, and if it turns out it's just not for you, no harm done.
  • shakenbake57
    shakenbake57 Posts: 303 Member
    You might want to take a look at the DASH diet. Very healthy - focuses on servings per day vs counting calories. By doing this you are controling calories in, though might be a gentler aporoach for you since not actually "counting"
  • amariepooch
    amariepooch Posts: 10 Member
    I don't really look at this as calorie counting. While I know it is. I don't measure and what not I "guess-ti-mate" haha but I look at it more for accountability. I have friends and we are all on here. Just keeping each other accountable.
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Give a thought to weighing and measuring for just the first week of each month to develop and then keep your ability to "eyeball" portion sizes on track.