NOOOO!!!! HERNIATED DISC!!! now what??



  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I injured my back almost three weeks ago. It is slowly getting better. I'm starting with body weight exercises and hoping to slowly start adding back in some weights. It's just as hard mentally but we can get through it.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    When I had my herniated disc, I had to put cold compresses on the affected area for 20 minutes at a time and do that periodically throughout the day, it shrunk the disc back in. I did see the Chiropractor several times.

    At one point I thought I may not run again, but after several months of walking slowly and gradually getting better, I was able to run again.

    So sorry you are going through this OP, I hope it clears up asap, to say it is painful is a complete understatement!
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    Just wandering if you get fatigued easily or wake up tired. What does your temperature normally run?

    No not usually. I have woken up tired the past 2 days but only because I can't get comfortable and sleep is minimal and often interrupted. My temp was normal at the dr yesterday. Why do you ask?

    Back problems and long lasting infections can be an indication of metabolic issues. If you have those issues and don't adress them, your back could cause you to suffer needlessly so I thought I would ask. :)

    Can you explain more? I have back problems (herniations in my lower and upper back), which have caused nerve pain to radiate down my leg and arm. I also have thryoid issues and used to have chronic infections (temp was always 99.something) until I had my tonsils removed 5 years ago. I found that cutting out gluten has dramatically reduced my nerve pain, but if there is more to do, I will do it!
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    Just wandering if you get fatigued easily or wake up tired. What does your temperature normally run?

    No not usually. I have woken up tired the past 2 days but only because I can't get comfortable and sleep is minimal and often interrupted. My temp was normal at the dr yesterday. Why do you ask?

    Back problems and long lasting infections can be an indication of metabolic issues. If you have those issues and don't adress them, your back could cause you to suffer needlessly so I thought I would ask. :)

    Lol what?? I don't have any infections. And this is the first back problem I've ever had.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Walking helps me. I have 2 bulging discs that cause me nothing but pain all day. I can't sit for more than 5 mins a day...10 at the most....all day. I walk. All day. It's how I started to lose weight on here & I got to a point where i can run, name it. Apart from lift. I can't lift. :(

    Walking helps heaps. It's at the point where no painkillers are needed unless it's super bad. I was taking 8 a day (codeine) and now I'll be lucky to take 1.

    Walk. Walk walk walk. Keeps the weight off, gives you the exercise & helps the pain.

    BTW should mention that it's been 3 years so far with this BS in my back. Took me 1.5 to do something about it.

    I was hoping I could at least walk some. I'm bummed because I was just starting to get into running but walking is better than nothing!

    I run as well. I started off walking, that was all I could do. Then I thought damnit I'll do this. Never run before in my life. Dr has no idea I run. 10km I can go easy. I asked the physio if I could one day get into running.... he said perhaps one day. He has no idea.
  • WestCoastWild
    WestCoastWild Posts: 147 Member
    I had a herniated disc about five years ago, that ended in needing to get surgery (my left leg had lost all feeling/function from the compression). After that I took up swimming and bikram yoga, and have recently gotten into running. Yoga is the BEST, keeps your core muscles strong enough to support your back. It was actually a huge motivator to stay in shape, to keep my back healthy and free from strain. Just focus on getting better, and you'll find plenty of ways to work around it. I hope things are okay with you, herniated discs are the worst!!